An Challenge To Win

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"Y/N can you go warn them the people taking part? I really don't want to talk to any one of them." Harry asked flipping through his Transfiguration Text Book.

"Sure, The badges have started affecting have they? The person who stared this idea and who all have decided to follow through with it I made sure the lesson they will remember for eternity." You suggested.

"Not only that there not pleasant People I am studying for the Transfiguration test."

"Harry? Umm How is.. Ron?"

Harry finally looked at you.

"He is rude while talking to me like as if it is my fault he barely utters two words to me if he does he keeps going on about how we put our names in the cup he doesn't listen that is his problem." Harry said annoyed.

"Alright, I am going to warn them about the challenges Draco might come here searching for me tell him I am talking with one of the champions." 

Harry nodded.

You started walking when you saw the Courtyard Cedric was there with his friends You came closer 

"Cedric? A word?" You said glaring at one of his friends who dared to mock Harry. 

"Yeah N/n sure." 

He got up as you took him to one of the trees.

"The first task is dragons each one of us will have to battle a Dragon what I saw was the Sweedish Sorntail, Hungarian hornatail and the rest I forgot. You know the challenge Now I will go to warn the others bye."

"Bye n/n Thank you."

You now had to go find Fleur knowing  she was at the Great hall you rushed to find her..As you had guesses Fleur was talking to her friends.


"Oh hi, N/n how are you?" She started.

"All good can I talk to you in private?"

"Why not?"

"So, the first task is dragons you have to fight a dragon."

"Dragons seriously?" Fleur said shocked.

You hummed "There really strong each dangerous than the others."


You know were trying to find Victor Krum you saw him studying a spell book.

"Hi, I am Y/n Black."

He looked up at you and gave a small smile.

"So, being a champion the first task are Dragons.

Now he looked at you hoping to elaborate.


"Yes, I wanted to ask you what do you think of Hermione?"

"Miss Granger? She is the most beautiful girl I would like to know her. But, I am not sure if she thinks the same way."

You smiled awesome "Now, I am only telling you because you know Hermione"

"Start of by your name she is one of you biggest fans."

He nodded "Thank you Y/n"

You smiled walking away.


You just caught up with Draco, Nevile and Luna. Nevile and Luna had a bit of spark as to not ruin it you went away after having a quick small talk Draco would not stop going on Potter and why you should have not been in the tournament you had even got a letter from your mother and Father checking on you.

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