Return of Voldemort

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Peter then put a very ugly thing in a crib? Who knows. There was a cauldron to make the potion then he started 

"Flesh of the servant willingly given" He cut his hand as he screamed in pain, "Bone of the father unwillingly given." and finally he came to Harry

"Don't you dare touch him!" You said but he didn't listen as he scratched Harry's hand for the blood and he put it in the cauldron.

"Do it now Wormtail!" The same dry voice came out again. Peter lifted the creature and put it in the boiling Caldron it started to bubble the thing became disgustingly slimy until it became him... Voldemort 


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HE lifted his hands to feel his head, and he walked towards Peter "Give me your arm Wormtail"

He etched the dark mark into his skin and looked at the sky and with in moments the other Death Eaters started arriving surrounding Voldemort you felt your heart twinge.

 The Death eaters started appearing as he was talking to you,

"My Dear Y/n I saw  you in my school life I still do, When I first saw you darling you were the most beautiful girl I had ever laid my eyes own I could gaze at your beautiful eyes forever, But The thing which was agony was I couldn't talk to you, Hold you in my arms it was agony but here you are." Voldemort said totally oblivious to the fact he had four death eaters staring at him some in shock and others gaping. "Y/n" You struggled against the bones and looked at his pale blue eyes the same one you fell in love with "You are talking to me now I saw Tom in my dreams not you!" You struggled seeing your discomfort Voldemort removed the bones as Voldemort caught you

before you could hurt yourself you quickly regained your balance "Love I shall talk to you, I need to know so much about you." His pale chalk like hands stroked your warm soft skin as he gently pulled away he then looked at his followers disapprovingly like there some sort of disappointment.

"Welcome my friends Welcome Thirteen years it has been but you stand before me as though it was only yesterday... I confess myself disappointed not one of you tried to find me!" He tutted in visible anger "Crabe Macniar Goyle," He then moved to an empty space where two people could stand "Here the Lestarnges should be but, are in Askaban to renounce me they shall be rewarded beyond there wildest dreams." He then came to the last Death eater he had not removed the mask from.

"Not even you Lucius." He removed the mask and there you saw it what you feared the most a Buzz rang in your ears Your father was a Death Eater always has been he was always loyal he indeed was the second in command. You felt lied to your whole life you had came across lies all lies each one hurt, But this one was the biggest lie or was it this hurt the most Harry looked at you pitifully he couldn't do anything to avoid this harsh Truth to.. You.

Your eyes stung with warm tears falling one by one Lucius looked at you sorrowfully "I'm sorry my darling daughter I love you" He muttered trying his best to contain himself.

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