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I was dripping with tears no one was there in the hallways which made it easier. I needed to confront Lupin about this he knew my mother....He would have known who exactly killed who killed mother and my family why did my adopted parents lie so much to me? These people hid so much did they not know I would have found this one day or the other? I stood there in front of Professor's front door I was hesitant but I opened it any way without knocking.

"Professor Lupin? Professor Lupin are you here? Please answer me?" I choked out. I got no reply I sunk down and cried for who knows how long.

"Miss Black?" I herd a voice I turned to see Professor Snape. I just looked away wiping my tears but it made no difference cause I was in so much pain.

"Miss Black? What happened?" He asked.

"Did you know....I explained what Harry told me in the cabin....The relationship of mother and dad.....Did you know all of this? Or only Professor Remus knows?" You asked.

He was quiet he just stared in silence then it hit you....He was close to Luciana he knew all about this for years the moment you enterd Hogwarts.

"Y-You knew about this  but never told me.....What are you to me Professor?" I looked at him.

"Y/N I am your God father" Snape said.

I looked at him in utter shock and I was shaking.

"You were my God father and never once tried to help me in this past I have gone through? Never once tried to get to know me how could you?" I  said.

When Lupin to entered his office

"Miss Black?" Lupin said.

"You knew to...MY adopted parents knew....Professor Snape is my godfather....What next? I am the reason why mother is dead?" I said angrily.

Lupin understood everything.....

"Y/n Your mother Luciana was a social butterfly she knew your mother as in Narssisa  very well, Lucius however had a bit of rivalry with them.. If anyone can tell you what really happened it will be Narsissa...She knows what really happened who betrayed who, who was truthful and who really died by who..." Lupin started.

I got up from my place and started walking out of the room

"Y/N Where are you going?" Snape asked.

"I can't deal with you right now." I said.

I was going to Dumbeldor's office If I could get floo powder so that I could go to the place I call home.


In Dumbeldore's office.

"Sir? Can I have floo powder?"

Dumbeldore figured you had got divulged by something you were supposed to know a little later.

"Yes Y/N But I want you to remember The people who Love you will never try to hurt you." Dumbeldore said.

So he has figured out

"They have aldredy hurt me." I said sadly.

I took the floo powder 

"Malfoy Mannor." In an green flame I was now in my house.

" In an green flame I was now in my house

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