Chamber Of Secrets and Questions.

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At this point you were looking at Tom trying your best to contain all your questions in and trying to calm yourself when you noticed you could think about this later and focus on something more important like Harry is Fighting the baslisk on his own he came running and struck the sword on the snake's throat eventually killing it but you saw the venom on Harry's arm. he was progressing with a fang the Baslisk's fang.

Then Harry took the diary of Ginny. He held the fang above his head.

, What are you doing? If you hit the diary you kill Y/N." He said shocking you and Harry.

"No! He is lying it is just a mere memory go on Harry hit it! Fast!" You said.

He did when he struck you felt your heart twinge into sorrow you kneeled below. Harry looked worried but did not stop.

That was it it was done you were alive feeling light headed you fainted the last thing you herd was "We will be together again Love."


You woke up as your vision was blury and your head was spining. You rested your head on the bed board as you saw Dumbeldore approaching.

"Miss Black how are you feeling?" He asked.

"All good sir but you must answer these questions recent ones first-

"Y/N everyone will be returned from there petrified state the mandrake is at work I understand you have other Questions on Tom as well but I can not tell you." He replied calmly.

Dumbeldore left when


You looked at him wide eyed.

"I thought I had lost you, do you know wha--t could have happened then." Draco whisppered and wrapped his arms around your shoulders you felt warm tears hit you.

You gently returned the embrace and kissed his forehead rubbing his back in an effort to calm him down,

"Dray I am fine I just fainted." You mumbled against him.

"Just fainted? Bad enough mother and father to were very distraught they are on there way I informed them about you condition you did not just faint you have a few scratches. They needed to come a little late because father had an meeting." Draco said pulling away from your embrace has he pecked your forehead.

"Draco, you should not have told mum or dad I have troubled them enough" You said sighing.

"Sweetie, you and Draco are always our first priority now tell me you good?" Narrssisa asked as she walked up to you and gently reamoved a few loose strands of your hair on your face.

"Yes mom just filled with a lot of questions now that your here you can answer all my questions." You said smiling.

Narrssisa immediately knew what you wanted to ask about Tom.

"Mum why did you hide so much from me? I am the memory Tom was seeing and I am seeing him now. He said he love's me which is absurd I mean how can he? Is there more to this? Why do I feel my heart pounding when he is near? Why do I feel like a sort of connection? Why am I seeing him in the first place?" You threw a million questions at her.

"Darling calm down." Lucius walked through the door he came up to you and kissed your head.

Before Lucius could ask how are you what had happened.

"I will calm down once you give me my answers Tom said you knew about this you can't keep me in the dark this is so unfair how come you guys know more about my past than me this is absurd." You started rambling when.

"Darling, Stop now look we are trying to expalin it to you but we fear we are not the ones who should tell you." Lucius said.

"That is the same answer I have been hearing from since my first year." You said sighing.

"Sweetie we will expalin it to you just give us a little bit more time." Narssisa said.

"Well I hope you will tell me before I find it out myself I no longer will brush it off it has become all to serious madness." You said sadly.

You felt your mother's hand on your shoulder.

"Just take care of yourself." Lucius said worridely.

"I can not help it dad it just happens it is so stupid but what if it happens when I am giving a few remarks to someone or in my exams or no one will save me I do not want to die."

"Y/N Darling now quiet nothing of that sort will happen now me and your mother have to leave we have a meeting I will see you both Tomorow at home." Lucius said smiling warmly.

"I will hope you will not have any funny buissnesses going on" Your mother said looking at you particularly.

She smirked "Bye sweetie draco take care."

Then they walked out the door.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                            You walked in the great hall to see your friends eating when Hermione looked at you Y/N. she got up from her place you smiled warmly your footsteps fastened till you were running and yo tightly embraced her you felt warm happy             "Y/n so good to see you thank god you're alive." "Good to see you to Hermione." You then hugged Ron and Harry you sat down at the table and lively chatted filled with laughter and warmth. You spotted Dumbeldore winking at you to which you winked back.                                 ————————————————————————And this ends my Second adventure I have so many questions, So many people keeping the secrets I deserve to know but I will discover it anyway. I have friends closest to family who I know will be there for me. Tom Riddle next time I will be ready for you just you wait.

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