Expulsion Of Professor Teralwany

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Today all of you and your friends had the same class, you were walking out on the hallway when Cho came up, You rolled your eyes what?
"Harry come here professor Teralwany she is getting thrown out of the school from Umbridge." Cho said.
"What? Like expelled as in forever?" You confirmed Cho nodded "In the courtyard." 
You all went there to see a huge commotion, you made your way through the crowd and to the front to see what really was happening.
"You can't do this" Sybil was crying "Hogwarts is my home"

"Actually I can." Umbridge said with papers regarding her expulsion. You walked to Sybil "Why are you expelling her?" You asked Umbridge trying your best to hide your frustration and anger.

Umbridge giggled "We need Professors who can teach. Future telling, I find that quite illogical."

"And your teaching is very good? Theory? I find that quite absurd" Your frustration was showing in your voice. Some students gasped this could get you in serious trouble but, right now you could care less. Then you gasped "That's not the reason is it? Your expelling her because when she read your tea leaf last Wednesday upon your insistence... You didn't hear what you wanted to hear." 

When Professor Mc Gonagal came "Miss Black--"

"Professor just hold on.... This expulsion seems very absurd."

"Miss Black how can you  have such a serious accusation over me!?" You felt the rage radiating from her tone.

"I'm a Legilmentist." 

"I see but the expulsion is happening." Then she looked at how Minerva was staring at her "Would you like to say something?"

"There are a number of things I'd like to say." Minerva said.

"What your doing Umbridge is wrong! You can't expel some teacher, You can't publicly humiliate her... Aren't you happy enough!? You have so much authority over this school, You have made meaningless rules, Meaningless assumptions and moreover pretending your the headmistress over this school... Oh by the way I almost forgot you have the authority to dismiss the professors. But, no one has given you the audacity to Expel someone." You said glaring at her.

When Dumbeldore appeared "Miss Black is right! You have the authority to dismiss the professor but not banish them of the grounds." 

"For now Miss Black my office now!" 

"She won't serve any detention no rules have been broken by her." Dumbeldore said. He then saw the crowd "Don't you all have to study!?" Why was Dumbeldore so agitated it was really out of character for him."

"Professor Dumbeldore, Professor Dumbeldore" Harry went after but Dumbeldore wouldn't stop he herd him right?

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