He's been Spotted

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You and your friends were in the great hall upon your insistence Draco to sat there he was disgusted but hid it well.

"You know N/N Mum and Dad keep telling you to be careful on Sirius you know he is not good." Draco tried.

"Draco I will not believe any of this till I see it for myself You know my views."  You said taking a bite of the freshly cooked waffle.

"He has been spotted Sirius Black has been spotted." Seamus replied Running.

With a flick of you wand the newspaper came to your hand people crowded all over you.

"He is not far from here." Seamus said flipping through the prophet and stopping at a picture.

" Seamus said flipping through the prophet and stopping at a picture

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"Oh my god Y/N that is your dad you have daddy issues don't you." Pansy's annoying voice ringed through your ear.

"Be Quit Parkinson do you take everything as a joke?" You said calmly.

"Don't talk stupid  Y/N "Draco said ruffling Draco's hair who looked like he was going to kill her.

"I need to talk stupid if I do not how will you understand me?" 

Draco, Harry, Ron, Hermione and the crowd started to laugh.

"That was savage Y/N" Harry said.

But your focus was on the prophet "Sirius... 

"That is your Dad people say he escaped Azkaban and killed your mother." Seamus said.

You looked at him with the look.

You got up "Y/n?" Harry started. "We have DADA."


"Intriguing is it not can anyone tell me what is this?" Professor Lupin asked.

"That's a bogart."

"Very good mr Thomas."

"Can anyone tell me what is inside the bogart?" Lupin asked again.

"No one knows Bogarts are shapeshifters they take the shape of whatever a person fears the most. There is a very simple charm to counter a Bogart....Ridiculas However only the incantation is not enough what truly completes the spell is laughter we need to think of something amusing 

Which is strong enough to expel the Bogart." You said in a clear voice.

"Very good explanation Miss Black 20 Points to Gryfindoor."  Professor said.

There was a quick cheering while the Ravenclaws looked at you  with Jealousy.

"Now...Mr Longbottom Nevile right?" 


"What fears you the most?" 

"Professor Snape" he replied in a very soft voice. "Sorry?" "Professor Snape." He said a little louder.

We all started to laugh. 


Mean while at Malfoy Mannor-

"Lucius it has been happening Y/N Does not believe her father is a murderer she wants to talk to him meet him? Lucius how do we tell her Sirius never had a fair trial and we were present in the moment where Black was sentenced to Askaban. We could have supported him but instead we wanted him to rot. We might have to send her away sooner than anticapated. She.. won't be happy when we were the main causes for an innocent to that awful prision." Narssisa said pacing around.

"No, if we send her away when not planned she can be in grave danger Her godfather to is in Hogwarts He can reveal everything. She will certainly not forgive us we don't know how she will react." Lucius replied back rubbing his forehead.

"So, we just let us discover by herself?" Narssisa replied horrifiyed.

"What can we even do? Black has escaped we can't free him if we want. N/N will find him she then will feel conflicted you know she does not open up? Not even to us. She will become in an horrible state of mind and a year remains before we need to send her away it won't be a peaceful departure." Lucius said sadly he was trying his best not to cry.

However Narssisa Loves you so much she raised you like her own daughter she bursted to chokes of tears.


Back to the DADA Class.

you all were laughing it was so funny it was Harry's turn it changed to a Dementor.

Harry was frozen seeing the state he was in Lupin sheilded Harry and his boggart turned to a moon

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Harry was frozen seeing the state he was in Lupin sheilded Harry and his boggart turned to a moon.

It was full...Why did it turn to a moon could it be a werewolf? You thought but brushed it off maybe just a bad memory or something.

"That is enough for today class dismissed." 

People groaned in disappointment it was a wonderful class But too much is to bad.

"Guys, we have a free hour let us go outside?" You suggested.

"Sounds good n/n let's go." Ron said.

You all went outside and were chatting mostly with Mione. 


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