A Gift To Cure Hunger, To Stop Death and Escape

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You stared down at Remus and Sirius, going to Hogwarts did seem logical and Horcrux was there, with the Carrow twins.
If you could go there no one would ever believe that you decided to join them, and at least you would be able to go to Dumbledore's office And you had to talk to your Uncle.

There must have been a reason why Uncle did what he did, why was the cursed blue?
You could figure out the location of the other Horcruxes.
"Even if you go there Y/N, they will keep strict surveillance over you...Constantly would check up...... and it won't work." Remus said slowly after a moment of silence. "Besides, won't you- know- Who be there?" Sirius confirmed, "Yeah... I reckon he would not want to miss the time to talk to you." Harry said his face expressionless.

"Honestly, I don't understand why we are taking this long, we are supposed to find and destroy the Horcruxes and then we can come to Hogwarts!" Hermione persisted. "It will be too late, and You-Know-who will be always trying to get to us.....It's dangerous."
You knew you needed to go, Harry knew there was no other choice.
This has to be done.
You had to get going now before everyone died. Sirius and Remus had fallen quite unable to say or do anything, anyone could quite clearly see the conflict going on in their heads.

You got up and got your things ready and made your way downstairs.
Sirius was still in shock you hugged him, he was still unable to return the warm gesture.
"I need your help dad, Regulas Black, I think he has a hoax. Please." Sirius silently got up and began walking upstairs as you four followed with Lupin close by, "This was my brother's room, he was an idiot believing the Black family traditions were up to any good, he died." Sirius said quietly.

You looked around the dusty room, still in green and Black. Nothing was expected from the Black Family. Harry looked around Hermione and Ron along with him, would have to do it alone. 
Harry felt selfish, agreeing to let you go to Hogwarts alone. Surely Voldemort would come? Once he would find out His beloved princess was there. 
What would he try to do with you? Maybe influence you. Would he try to know you?

The possibilities seemed endless with no definitive answer, This could go on like this forever. You looked less than bothered by the situation. 
"This is the last thing off my brother's..... Slytherin's locket." He removed the locket from the satin laces and handed it to you, You examined the locket holding it by the chain, and took out your mother's locket. 

"That was Luciana's locket..... I remember she used to never take it off...." Sirius gently took the green of your fingers and examined it with tears in his eyes and took it to his lips softly kissing it, You looked at the gesture why did the locket come to you? Why did Dumbledore give it to you? 
"This locket is a Hoax, not the real one--" You were abruptly interrupted by Harry. "Y/n be quiet." 

You were shocked at the words. Harry pulled out his wand and slowly made his way to the closet "Harry what are you doing?" Hermione asked. 
He banged open the closet and there was Kreacher. Harry grabbed the hem of his cloth roughly and pushed his upfront. 

"You've been spying on us haven't you Kreacher!?" Sirius angrily hissed. 
"What the hell have you been doing in the Closet!?" Harry equally angry, hissed. 

"Kreacher has watched..... He has watched... Kreacher has watched his mistress Black, Their house being polluted by Mudbloods, Blood traitors, Scum---" Kreacher was interrupted by Sirius. 
"Shut up! shut up!" Sirius barked. "You know don't you Kreacher you know, This is Slytherin's locket, and Y/n told it was a hoax. You know the real one, do you know who can tell me." Harry demanded. Showing the locket. "Master Regulus's locket." 

"No, it can't be. The locket was stolen, and An Hoax was made. Search the box there must be something maybe a note, or a parchment?" You denied the elf's words. You sensed it Voldemort he had lost the locket, and he didn't bother to search them, because he knew you all couldn't get it? 

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