Wintery Lies

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It was snowing outside the lakes had been frozen and it was cold. Winter at Hogwarts was cold but beautiful. You could now do anything you want in this month a few people went home they explored the castle you and Draco decided you will go to home at the last 10 days before the school reopens again. You all had went to visit Hogesmade again.

You and Harry just were exploring and chatting.


"That house is known to be haunted you know?" Hermione said to Ron "Do you want to go there?" 

"Ummm no thank you." Ron said.

"Shopping for your new dream house? A bit grand for you is it not Weaslbee." Draco and his stupid Minions came.

"Shut up Malfoy." 

"Let us teach Weaslbee how to respect the superiors." 

"Oh I hope you don't mean yourselves." Hermione interjected.

"How dare you talk to me you filthy Mudblood." Draco spat.

That is when Harry took his invisiblity cloack He threw snow balls at Draco and his stupid Minions

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That is when Harry took his invisiblity cloack He threw snow balls at Draco and his stupid Minions.....I know I maybe his brother but he needs to be taught to mind his own buisness.

I know I maybe his brother but he needs to be taught to mind his own buisness

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Hermione and Ron were in an laughter mess

Hermione and Ron were in an laughter mess

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You came out. From your spot.

"Bye N/N I would stay with you but there is a spirit..." Draco sprinted out.

You started laughing so hard.

"Oh Harry." Hermione said. He removed the cloack.

"We stood there and laughed this was so good at these dark times you and your best friends were laughing.

"We stood there and laughed this was so good at these dark times you and your best friends were laughing

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"Now that was fun was it not?" You asked.

"I for sure thought that n/n you would tell us not to mock Malfoy and his stupid friends." Ron said.

"No, I was not planning on doing so as you can see he is so conceited this was a good way to put him in his place." You said.

"Come on since we all four off us are here let us explore Hogesmade together." Harry said.

We were just walking around the store when we herd a voice.

"What would bring Sirius Black here? It was so sudden he escaped the jail like he was after something." Madame Rosmerta said walking to a cabin.

You spotted her with the minister and even Professor Mc Gonagal was here.

"Harry Potter he is after him and even for Y/n" She screamed.

They immediately shused her.

"Harry go! take the invesiblity cloack go in there...Go fast." You urged him.

Aparantly he had the same idea cause he was sprinting inside the cabin.

Harry's pov-

I slipped into the door before they closed it I was far end of the corner.

"Now, why is Sirius Black after Harry and why does he want to kill his own daughter?" Rosmerta asked.

"First I will tell you why he is after Y/N the part of this Black lost all touch to the main Black family they despised each other a lot...They called them Blood Traitors and scratched them from the black family tree. They later ....Meaning Y/N Parent's joined forces against you know who. There was a death eater who killed Luciana Black. After Sirius went to Askaban after Luciana gave birth to her y/n....She was taken upon the Malfoy's care. After Y/n was borned. You know who felt a strong urge to see her....Now Harry's one Sirius was made the safe keeper her let slip to the Dark lord the exact location of Y/N and Harry. Luciana with all her powers cast a strong force to Dissaparate her... To somewhere more safer. The death eater not certain who it was Tortured her and killed her since he could not get the info he needed. Sirius black was Harry's godfather....Luciana loved him. Sirius was the reason why Luciana was killed. He was there friend they trusted the wrong person....Luciana died a few years later of greif loosing James, Lily..Sirius was sent to Askaban.....She had lost Y/n......Luciana was Harry's godmother she could not see him...Remus had lost all touch with each other. She died of a broken heart." 

"NO!" Mc gonagal suddenly interjected.

"Sirius did truly love Luciana he would give her the world if she asked for it." 

The meeting was abruptly stopped and the meeting was adjourned I was shaking with anxiety my eyes were filled with tears Y/N She had gone through so much what did she do? To deserve this fate? She was the most kindest loveliest person I have ever meet. 

"How will I tell her this?" He murmered sobbing.

I came out running Y/n might have seen the footsteps cause hermione and Ron was following me.

No one's pov-

"Harry what happened? You asked taking out the cloth reaveling him sobbing.

He could not even look at you then whatever he said was in slow motion he expalined everything he herd in the cabin


Hermione and Ron looked horrified but all the voices had faded everything was happening in slow motion there it was that feeling you thought your mother died of a heart attack atleast it was the Malfoy's told....They have much more to tell you. Your vision became blury. 

"Y/N" Hermione hugged you.

But you turned and walked away tears dripping like water.

You had to speak to Lupin he might know what happened.

For now you could not believe your family had never told you the truth it was always built on lies...On your mother they told....They lied to you how they found you why they kept you..

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