The Professors of Potion and DADA

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You walked with Harry to the Great Hall and found your seats with Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and Luna, "Where were you too!?" Hermione breathed looking worried as she was taking deep breaths Harry answered before you did, "Umm Later... What did we miss?" Harry asked eager to divert the topic into something which didn't concern him,
"Just the usual on Dumbledore telling us to be brave and all. Easy for him I reckon he thinks we are all as good as him." Ron said biting off his chicken. "Did he say anything on Voldemort?" You asked, "I wish you'd stop saying his name N/n" Hermione rubbed her temples. "You know he wants to save the best for the last." Ron said again "N/n? What's up with Malfoy? He's bloody quiet today?" Harry visibly gritted his teeth at the mention of his name, "Speaking of Draco where's he?" You looked searching for platinum blonde hair around the Slytherin table. You spotted him and he had his shoulders slouched and seemed deeply worried he was playing with his food and he didn't look like Draco,
You carefully examined the details he had looked worn and tired, He looked pale and exhausted and he look like he had lost a significant amount of weight and not in a good way. Also one more detail you furrowed your eyebrows it was in the tip of your tongue so easy 

Why he doesn't look good.....Then it rang like a loud boom in your head HE ISN'T BULLYING ANY FIRST YEARS.
You had to look at him yes he certainly wasn't bullying. "That's it!" You almost exclaimed, "Huh what's it!?" Hermione exclaimed. "Later I'll tell you three everything." 

Once everyone had finished their dinner, a clink which McGonagall had tapped with her fork "Silence please." She said in a loud clear voice. 

"I think Professor will speak on Him," You said softly waiting for the headmaster to begin, "Before we begin I'd like to introduce the post for Defence Against the Dark arts will be taken by Professor Snape." He waited there was loud clapping from mostly the Slytherin table you managed a small smile but Professor Dumbledore didn't give him the post for five years...Then why so suddenly? you thought in your head. "The Potions post will be taken by Professor Horace Slughorn." 

People looked much pleased with the change as they were applauding. "Now I understand this is dark times and we must take caution. There was a boy who we all now know as a different name...." You turned a soft shade of pink every time someone mentioned his name you'd feel as if you were around him "He walked these halls, he slept under this roof, and ate... here his name? Tom Riddle." 
Whispers immediately waffled around the hall. "Now all of you off to bed." You excused yourself from your friends and scurried to find Draco. When you reached him you enfluged him in an embrace, "Draco I missed you so much!" You pretended to exclaim however you carefully felt his demeanor his shoulders tensed up at once, and he shakily didn't hug back but pulled you out instead, "Hi Y/n" He was one bad liar.

You couldn't read his mind darn it! Someone must have taught him occlumency. You looked at him strangely when he just walked past you, You thought he'd be happy to see you. You met him after four whole months and all he had to say was 'Hi Y/n!?' 

You gasped and almost stumbled on your robes while running, Harry, Hermione, and Ron looked as you ran past, "I'm gonna follow her." Harry quickly said reaching for the invisibility cloak he ran after you until you arrived panting for breath, "Oh I hope I've not missed Professor Dumbledore." You ran your hands through your hair telling to no one, you saw the Gargoyle and you knew you missed him, "Oh! Umm, let's see what could be your password? Umm chocolate frogs? or is it frog?...." When the gargoyle didn't move you tried again "Chocolate tarts? Hot chocolate? Strawberry Chocolate? Tarts? Cakes? Oh god come on curses on me I knew I should know some wizarding sweets! I'd much rather prefer muggle ones!" You sighed.

Harry looked at you trying to remember the latest password spider cluster? Or was it cluster spider? Oh, leave it! first, he had to get you out the way. To the corner of his eyes he saw a few books piled up, "Stupify" Harry whispered instantly a loud book crash with dust echoed you coughed, and as Harry expected you, you went to investigate. "Cluster spiders" He muttered and you shifted to see the gargoyle had moved and you rushed inside it with Harry very close, You felt someone breathing as you saw no one you went upstairs. 

Harry sighed relieved and kept a safe distance from you making sure his footsteps didn't echo it was silence and the only thing that was heard was the clicking of your heels. 
You slowly looked around and not a soul was there "Hey Fawkes" You softly said to the beautiful Pheonix, Fawkes looked at you and then nestling into your fingers as you softly stroked it, "Mr hat." You said to the sorting hat, "Any clue where Dumbledore might be?" You asked. 

"Y/n? your here?"

"Professor can I talk to you?" 

"Why of course Y/n have a seat" Once you had taken a seat Dumbledore began, "So what do I owe the pleasure?" 

"Professor it has been for a while now and I don't think my friends have herd of my dreams in which I see Tom Riddle for a very long time now... and I think they think it isn't to serious however the dreams sir... There getting out of hand now and I don't think I can really control it.. You see I hear things in my sleep, when he is talking, and voices I think on what he herd. It's getting really tiring because all the voices are muffled and my head hurts every day, I hear voices when I'm awake, I don't know how long I can take anymore of this... Slowly but surely sir this is going to drive me insane." 

Dumbledore listened attentively to you.

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