Torture At Malfoy Manor

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Hermione gasped as she tugged behind tightly, the tightest grip she had ever been held into She barely managed to throw a stinging jinx at Harry before he to was caught and to Hermione's utter horror by Greyback. Ron was pinned to the ground harshly and the two of the death eaters were accompanied by a few snatchers.
"Okay, let's see..." One of the Snatchers who none of them knew, or cared about, to say the least, took out a notepad and a quill and began examining it.
"Now, quick what are your names." He demanded not looking at them and still scribbling something down.

"Start with you, Redhead what's your name?" He asked mockingly. Ron looked away trying to think of something when he saw a snatcher wrestling Hermione, who struggled to get him off.

"Get-Off-Her!" Ron angrily hissed, and soon grunted in pain when he felt a blow to his stomach "NO! leave him!" Hermione tried helplessly.

"He'll have an much horrible time, if he's on the list." Said an raspy voice, which Harry knew all to well. Anyone, could recognize the blood filled voice of Fenir.

He looked at Hermione and smirked "Delicious girl.... what an wonderful treat, to bite you I would enjoy the softness of that skin...." Said Greyback, which disgusted Harry to the point he wanted to vomit on his face.
Harry, tried to think of something he tried to think of what Y/n would do if you were in this situation, the only thing that ran through his head was no one especially Greyback off all people would ever talk to you that way, not without Voldemort knowing. Even if you didn't have.... Harry could only think of you blasting them so hard to knock them out, he could certainly imagine you doing that.

He didn't have his wand, nor anything to hold him, with his face and scar burning up.

"Search the tent, and the surroundings quick!" An unknown voice said as Harry and Ron was thrown to the ground. With an thud, Harry couldn't see anything with the sting covering his eyes and he barely managing to see through the blurry visions.
"You've gone to dogs!" Said Greyback harshly pulling Harry's collar "I need Butter Beer to wash you down, what happened to you? Ugly?"

Harry didn't answer at once which made him double over pain with the harsh blow "I got stung. Trying to run." Harry said trying to sound convincing.

Fenir laughed "That's what happened when you vermin try to run." Sounding satisfactory, Greyback asked the next question.

"Your name?"

"Dudley..." Harry really couldn't come up with anything else, the name just slipped "And first name?"

"Vernon, Dudley." This was such a curse but he had to go along with it, Hermione's face lit up with new found fear as she found herself shaking there was no way Harry's 'Uncle' an muggle could be on the list.
"Scabior check the list." Hermione awaited the worst as the snatcher checked the list.

Any miracle....

Any miracle....

Just something....

"And you Ginger?" Greyback asked to Ron, Out of Reflex Ron said "Stan Shunpike."

"Like 'ell you are, We know he's out the 'ay, now 'ive me 'ur name!" Fenir barked.

"I'm Bardy Weasley...." Ron managed to say mouth full of blood.

"A Weasley?" Greyback said with disgust "Related to the Blood Traitors" Greyback rasped.

"And your pretty little friend over there, what's your name Girly?" Greyback asked trying his best not leap and bite her off.

"Penelope Clearwater." Hermione sounded terrified, but convincing.

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