Amour et Nexus

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You looked down unsure of what next to do. The truth hurts because it was the truth. Do you realize why shed tears every day endure it for today? It will be agony to wait, but never go through with this again. Were you too trusting? On the people you love? Or was it that... It was just too good to be true? Or maybe it was right there in front of you, How couldn't you have seen it? Five years ago you had something closest to picture-perfect, and now you couldn't take this life in which you are uncomfortable, It always hurts every step.            

 "Uncle the prophecy?" Then you recalled oh that damn prophecy won't even open. "Uncle I got a prophecy—"
"It won't open." He ended bluntly, you furrowed your eyebrows what did he mean wouldn't open? "Won't open?" You repeated asking him to elaborate, "What does the prophecy say?" Snape asked. You reached for your bag and pulled a crystal sphere and read what was written "Tom Riddle and Y/n-Rise of the Light and Dark, What does it mean rise?" You asked. 

"Y/n why do you think you can't open it?" Snape questioned. "Because...I don't know. That's why I'm asking you." You replied hurriedly. Snape sighed "There is a reason why the Dark Lords' name is written." You ran your thumb across Tom Riddle.

"So?" You asked, "So... You need the Dark Lord also to read the prophecy, Now you surely must know Y/n how can you expect the Prophecy to open when it's marked for two?" Snape asked "Oh," You said in realization. "What do I do?"

"Brew a potion with the Dark Lord it's called Amor et nexus" Snape pronounced the foreign words, "Huh what? Amar End nexus?" You tried to repeat. "This potion is in Latin the words also." You nodded "Where do I get the ingredients?" Snape looked at you, "About that the Dark Lord had tried to find the Prophecy many times but he failed, but he managed to get a very important parchment on the ingredients of Amor et nexus. You must read your prophecy, Once you do the dots will connect." Snape said, you breathed he gave you everything you needed to know. 
He was brave, now you had to be brave and your friends they deserved to know everything, If Harry, Ron and Hermione can talk so can you.


That night at Gryfindoor common room you began without warning Harry was flipping through an very old potions textbook, and Ron and Hermione were doing there home works, you simply began talking. 
"I didn't attend any classes today, and yesterday had been to Professor's Dumbledore's office, I think I am going to find out about Tom Riddle." You started immediately bringing the attention of Harry, Ron and Hermione "Tom? Tom Riddle who is that?" Hermione asked. "Mione he is what we call Voldemort, he attended Hogwarts and he felt for the first time at home in here--"

"Voldemort you know about him? Tell me N/n" Harry asked "Harry patience I know you want to know about him but I must tell you this one of you had followed me to Dumbledore's office?" All of them looked at each other "How?" Harry breathed.
"Good that you came so you know what happened. How? never mind--"

"You didn't attend-"

"Okay you guys" You chuckled "I know you have a lot of questions let me explain from the first." Then you spoke with not a care in the world you spoke and gave an entire auto-biography of your life, you have never told anyone so much than you told those three you told them on every dream, every connection you felt, how you felt when Voldemort is near, and everything you told them on this potion you had to brew with Voldemort on Amour et nexus and the most recent things in your dream from the voices, and all. After an hour you stopped to drink some water. None of them said anything but there eyes were wide. 
They were in complete shock "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner, but I've never really been able to open up it's hard, but now you know my entire life, I have nothing to hide from you." You said hoping you hadn't upset them. "It's alright Y/n" Harry spoke "We're glad you told us." You smiled and hugged Harry "I feel so good!" 

Prophecies and Lies|| Tom Riddle/ Voldemort X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now