The Best action I ever took

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(Y/n Pov)
That night we were all gathered in the common room, I needed to tell them what was going on with me... Keeping it inside was so frustrating until I collapse into a tear mess everything has been going wrong with me from the fourth year. Now I had to tell them, I was afraid so much and I thought to make up some excuse. The only thing that kept me from not backing down was 'they are my friends and the deserve to know'
Would they leave me? Would they even care? It was like the bravery I needed abandoned me. When the time I needed it the most. I've never confided in anyone, However not for a second do I regret it now let me tell you about that day-


I didn't attend Umbridge's stupid Detention, Right now I was in front of her class many students were coming out, With permanent deep red etched words on there skin, I had an potion I was applying it to each on of them.. Telling how brave they really were, I thanked Cho to. She might not be my friend for whatever reason she had but her actions were admirable. 
She thanked me as the potion was making the wound feel much better, and for the first time with Cho, we had an civil conversation.

I was right now walking with Harry deciding what our next step should be, when I saw Fred and George with an young boy, maybe in his first or second year. Fred and George were trying to comfort the boy clearly he had faced the detention, I walked to them with Harry closely behind me, I knelt down to match the boys height and softly cupped the bleeding hands.

"What is your name?" You softly asked though you already knew. 

"Steven Stan word" The boy timidly replied. You had now gotten your potion 

"Hold still alright Steven?, If you move to much the potion may hurt." The boy gave a quick nod. You softly massaged into the deep cut. 

"Much better? Don't worry the scar will fade in by evening." You assured him.

"Yeah this is Y/n Black the most intelligent woman you will ever see" Fred said as he tapped you on your back.

You sighed in disappointment "Really? I don't feel much intelligent, I let you down." You felt a little uncomfortable saying this.

Umbridge walked up

"Naughty children deserved to be punished."

You looked at her in disappointment.


In the night Harry, Hermione and Ron were all seated in the fireplace waiting for me to began, I closed my eyes and started to speak I just simply talked on how I had felt once I needed to leave the Malfoy's , The last letter they had given to me, About the mystery book they recently gifted me, I even talked on my biological father 

"Sirius I don't even know where he is most of the times, In the third year when he embraced me it felt so nice to be in my dad's  arms again, I thought it would be there, 
It hurt when he didn't write letters to me for a year only writing to me when absolutely needed. He doesn't talk to me, when I try he just pushes me saying how absurd I'm being, I'm sorry Harry- When he talks to you he embraces you it hurts, because I to needed me.... I talk to Remus on those days but no one can replace my dad. I talk to my Godfather he is there for me since third year and I love him, I love my dad... It's taking it's toll on me, When I'm alone in the house of black- If the Weaslys are not there the silence, the softness it hurts it reminds me
Sirius isn't here, I wish he would just listen to me once, Can't he see no one can replace him? Yes Lucius he to was the best father... But he is a death eater now, I have no contact with him, So Dad is not here when I need him the most.
I just don't understand in the third year he was so true... Now I wonder if he even knows he has a daughter, I don't understand what I did was wrong? Did I do something? Were the letters I sent to him annoying? 
Did he even want me?...." I trailed of I had talked for hours this hurt the most Hermione, Harry and Ron all embraced me at once.

"This Christmas talk to your dad, We will help you" Harry said wiping your tears.

"Listen the plan Y/n I will leave a present upstairs, In the top most room and I'll tell Sirius if he can come with me, then I'll--" You quickly cut her short.

You sniffled as you replied "It's the attic... Dad will never let me come there."

"That is why I'll take Sirius then Harry will take you to upstairs we will lock it say the door was jammed and you can talk to him" Hermione comforted.

Right now I really wanted to kiss my  friends a huge thank you, why hadn't I  told this before.
I wrapped your arms around Hermione and kissed  her lips.

Of course she was stunned but later realized that it was a Thank you, She could see your tears "It's okay Y/n I'll--"

"Hey!" Ron suddenly said. "We will be there not only you Hermione."

You were smiling so hard now. "Now we will make sure first Christmas is coming right? I promise you this will be the best Christmas" Harry urged.


Little did you know in the fireplace Sirius had come to warn Harry, when he herd you talk it out everything. He listened in-

Sirius Pov-After the fire had faded, I didn't convey any message I just stared at the moving picture of my sweet baby Y/n, she was wearing a light summer dress with an hat she was smiling and playing with her flower crown I'd made for her with my ...

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Sirius Pov-
After the fire had faded, I didn't convey any message I just stared at the moving picture of my sweet baby Y/n, she was wearing a light summer dress with an hat she was smiling and playing with her flower crown I'd made for her with my beautiful Luciana.
Today I herd her talk for hours when she talked I felt so ashamed of myself I didn't even try to talk to her, Even Snivellus did, Even that Old ferret Lucius cared for her
Then I cried remembering the day I was sent to Askaban, The day I herd Luciana's demise, I wondered on Y/n, I was such an coward... I totally made her loose her mind.  
Just to talk to me she needed one girl, Harry and Ron even Remus helped her
Then why didn't I? My reason was such cowardice. 
This Christmas do I even have the guts to look her in the

 This Christmas do I even have the guts to look her in the eyes?

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