The Flying Car

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Lucius was still trying to process everything you had said. He loves you a lot, He saw you kneeling down with tears driping. He to kneeled down and took you in his arms and hugged you.

"Y/N darling I am very sorry I promised I would never hurt you but I had been doing it all along I will treat Dobby much better and won't abuse him like in the past. I can not change my beliefs on Muggle Borns and Muggles but I will not get into any sort of interactions with them. Do not worry to me you are never pathetic." With that he wiped your tears and kissed your forehead.

You smiled "Thank You dad"

He smiled back and you got up from the floor.

Just when Narsissa and Draco walked in.

Draco, hugged you so tight. "I love you N/N."

"I Love you to Dray"

Narssisa smiled and hugged you to which you hugged her back.


At king's Cross Station.

"Come on Dray, Hurry up the Hogwarts train is never one minute late to leave" You said at Draco who did not yet step to the train.

"Hold on N/N your prince charming is on the way" Draco said smirking.

"PRINCE CHARMING? you are my brother oh you have seen/ Read Cindrella"You asked.

"Yup" He said smiling.

"Let us go sit with my friends it has been a while."

He honestly hated the Idea but what you said earlier to his father still bothered him. So he decided to make an excuse.

"I am going to sit with Blaise, and Pansy. We just talk and chatter."

Deep down you could feel his emotions it was one of your abilities you knew exactly what he was doing.

You nodded and smiled at him.


He gently Kissed your forehead and moved forward. In a bit of walking you saw Hermione and Nevile but could not spot the boys.

"Hey, Hermione Nevile how are you?" You said smiling.

"Hey, N/N I am good" Hermione said smiling back at you.

"So, has any one off you have seen Harry or Ron" You asked earlier since you did not spot them.

"No, I was wondering if you had seen them." Hermione replied.

"Did you check the cabins?" You asked again.



At Hogwarts-

You and Hemione finished dinner, You decided to walk in the hall for a while.

When you saw Harry and Ron.

They stopped in front of you.

you smirked at them.

"Oh no what did you guys do because professor Snape looks like he want to kill you."

They looked to see Snape Marching over to them angrily.

You looked at them once and went to the Slytherin house to wish Draco goodnight. You were not tired at all you took your invisibility cloack and went to the forbidden forest.

You would feed the threastreals

Talk to the centaurs

Pet dragons they would be tamed.

You would leave yourself to wander

Let yourself to the thoughts.

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