A Rose for Love

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In a gush the Order members arrived with Tonks, Mad Eye Moody, Kingsely Shackelbolt, Sirius, and many others, Sirius marched over to Lucius Malfoy-"Don't you dare attack my daughter and my Godson!" Sirius warned "Hurt Y/n!? I would never!" Sirius punched Lucius you gasped but there was no time to react as two spells were fired at you, Sirius deflected both the spells. He grabbed yours and Harry's arm taking you to the rock. "Now listen to me carefully. I want you both to take the others and go from here--" You interrupted him halfway "What? No.. I ca-can't, I won't I might loose you." You said as you couldn't choke out in tears another death you couldn't take it, "Look you've both done beautifully let me take it from here." Sirius said affectionately, "We're in this together!" You said, "Dad!" You screamed as spells were shot, He immediately deflected the spells. Grabbing you and Harry you came of the rock. "Reducto!" You yelled at the upcoming Death Eater. In front of you were Doholov and Lucius, Harry and Sirius were firing spells after spells. "Hermione behind you!" You said loudly, Bellatrix's insane cackles echoed through the room "Difendio!" You aimed at Bellatrix bringing her to the floor, "I have a score to settle." You said "Come on get up and fight!" Sirius turned in horror as you were going to duel his cousin "Dad I'll be fine--"

"Be fine!?" Sirius yelled fighting Lucius, He sent Dholov flying determined to get to you "Expelliarmus" Harry said which disarmed Lucius "Nice one James!" Sirius sent Lucius flying to, He turned to you already seeing you in an heated duel with Bellatrix "So most powerful Black witch? I can see why." You fired two dark jinxes at once, She deflected them "I've prepared to duel with you! One more thing is Joanna is she alive?" You deflected her spells stepping back a little "Joanna!" She cackled "No! Dead! Killed by her own mother" You gasped still not loosing control over the battle "GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGTER!" Sirius said loudly rage evident as he glared daggers "Dear cousin Sirius how was Azkaban?" She taunted still firing spells at you, "Much better than to see your ugly face!" Sirius blocked the spells as it came to an abrupt stop, "Dad! I was gonna kill her and you know Bellatrix? when I step into the battle field, I duel to kill!"  You said your voice dangerously low, "To bad you'll never win against me Y/n! I am the dark lord's most loyal servant! I learnt the magic from him, That you pathetic girl can never hope to compete against!" Bellatrix proudly declared as she circled. You pushed Sirius away glaring at her "Your right on that note Bellatrix, I may not have the training against him.. But that doesn't mean.. I can compete against you." 

Everyone around there was staying in awe as well as horror. Never once did they see this side of yours. You challenged and you were not backing down carefully looking into each other's eye nobody fired any spells all of them had there attention to you and Bellatrix. Your Father and Lucius were staring both in Horror. You were challenging Bellatrix with no fear "Your bravery comes--"

"It doesn't come of as foolishness! It's what has kept me going!" You were dueling Bellatrix, but she didn't dare once use the killing curse on you. Sirius couldn't watch much longer when two death eaters charged at him throwing curses. You did take Bellatrix to one corner. No one dared to interrupt it, Luna was getting caught by Tonks who was dueling the same time.

When suddenly to the corner you saw the Prophecy break and shatter to a million pieces. Then suddenly you saw her, Apparated just behind Sirius oh that lady took it to far, Of course you to Apparated to where she was and stunned her before she could utter the killing curse. The battle was actually dying out death eaters were disapparating into black smoke. When Bellatrix was free of blinds she started running, Harry was struck. If you hadn't been there Sirius would have been.. Dead!? This was an set up to get Harry in the Department of course like you had told. Harry felt an wave of regret pass through him he put every one in danger. It then was suddenly filled with vivid rage. 

Harry started running to where Bellatrix was. "Are you coming to get me? Potter?" Bellatrix said in her mock baby voice. He stood behind an pillar thinking on what he should do. When Bellatrix spoke again "Why did you come baby Potter? I thought you wanted to avenge the possible of Y/n death!" Bellatrix cackled "I DID!" Harry shouted "CRUCIO" Lestrange screamed and fell down, She no longer was talking in her baby voice "Never used an unforgivable curse have you Potter? I'll show you how it is done! CRUCIO" Harry ducked down and laughed insanely "By the way the prophecy is gone! Y/n saw it to, Your boss won't be to happy on that will he?"

Bellatrix looked for once afraid "LIAR" She shrieked "YOU HAVE IT! AND YOUR GOING TO GIVE IT TO ME" One could see the fear behind that rage "ACCIO PROPHECY! ACCIO PROPHECY" She cried desperately but to no avail. The prophecy had been destroyed. Harry laughed harder "Wonder what your boss will say on that!" 

"MASTER I TRIED! DON'T PUNISH ME!" Bellatrix cried in fear. You ran making it in time and stood a few feet away from Harry to witness what was happening. "He can't hear you!" Harry's head was paining knowing any minute he would die, you felt the connections happening again.

"Can't I Potter?" Came an High cold voice you turned around and your heart fluttered to see who it was. Voldemort, Voldemort then looked at you as you tore your gaze away from him, Not believing were you getting flustered "Ahh Y/n love how have you been?" You calmed your nerves with great difficulty and spoke "Not to good with you happening around" He chuckled "DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO HER!" Harry yelled "So you destroyed my Prophecy?" Voldemort said softly, you took out your wand "Months of preparation and you all let Harry Potter Thwart me... again." 

"I'M SORRY MASTER! I WAS DUELING Y/N, SHE WOULDN'T LET ME GO!" Bellatrix sobbed. As she neared Voldemort's robes "MASTER YOU MUST KNOW, HE IS DOWN!" 

"Be quiet Bella, I shall deal with you in an moment." He looked at Harry "I have nothing more to say to you, You've been here alive for to long." He shot the killing curse "Harry move!" YOu yelled pushing him out the way. The curse hit the wall making it shatter and bricks falling, You waved your wand when  ropes pinned Bellatrix she screamed as she struggled but to no avail. "Expelliarmus" Voldemort deflected the spell with ease, as he came closer to you. You stepped back "Now my princess you know I can't duel you." He said softly "But yet you stand before me as though we've been sworn enemies." You didn't know what to say, how to say he reached his bony hands and gently stroked your cheek, you turned pink "D-Don't touch m-me!" You spluttered shocked at how much you really were nervous "You have the prophecy Love? Our Prophecy? You gasped "How do you know." You demanded "I knew you would find it." 

"DO you know what it says?" He asked softly, you shook your head no "You might want to see it. Not right now but later" 

"It was foolish of you to come here tonight Tom the Aurrors are on there way." You both turned around to see Dumbeldore "Dumbeldore" Voldemort breathed, he gently let go off your hands as he stepped behind. "By the time I'll be gone and you dead!" Voldemort spat. Dumbeldore briefly looked at you, "You tried to kill her. Voldemort looked taken aback "KILL HER!? I'D PROTECT HER WITH MY LIFE!" Voldemort shot a killing curse which hit a centaur and shattered. Some how those words made your heart flutter. 

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