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"Uncle! No! No! What did you do!?" You cried desperately "No! You did not do that" You had a hard time trying to not splutter over your own words. "Stupefy" Harry yelled at the Carrow twins who attempted to ambush you, "Y/n! Get up, please! Dumbledore is gone. Don't lose yourself now." Harry yelled when he noticed your body collapsed on the floor.
You just stared down. Your Godfather he wouldn't, He didn't kill Dumbledore. 
"Y/N!" Harry shouted hoping you would try to get up once again through the endless lies "I-I can't Harry, I can't y-you must go--"

"Yes, Y/n you can stand again! Please you must" Harry begged helplessly noticing you made no effort to get up. Two killing curses shot at Harry who was forced to move away, Snape slowly looked at you. Was that all? The time he would have with you? He painfully looked at you. Tears in the brick, threatening to grace his cheeks "I am sorry my dear" His robes briefly brushed against your fingers as he hurriedly walked away, Grabbing Draco on the way. 
"Confringo!" Harry yelled furiously charging at Snape, and then you realized Harry was going after Snape and the other Death Eaters. You knew Bellatrix would be there, You got up and ran down after Harry. 

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