Professor Dumbledore's Caution

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"How long have you started hearing these voices?" Dumbledore asked you, you rubbed your head from the massive pounding, "Maybe at the end of the fifth year...I didn't give it much heed at first but now these muffled voices it's like they stimulate one part of my head it hurts so much." You said again. "Professor do you know why I'm having these dreams? Why am I dreaming on Voldemort?"

"I plan on explaining it to you Y/n and some matters with Harry, Not today however you exhausted and you seem as though--"
"Have a headache? Yes, these headaches happen quite often." You said resting your forehead on the office desk. You wondered if Dumbledore had a problem if you would sleep right here and just simply close your eyes. You felt someone rubbing your back, You were curious and startled but you were too tired to get up. Unintentionally Harry had rubbed your back the way you used to do to them when they were particularly stressed and tired. "It's alright Y/n I see you exhausted I'll call Severus to aid you with a potion, I can not ensure a dreamless sleep however I think the voices will be muted" It was like someone said you'll have no problems but this was much more than you needed a dream with no voices?  means no headache, You got up and smiled pleasantly at Dumbledore-

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear that... Finally, I can rest properly." You wanted to show more gratitude but your eyes were strained and exhausted. "Severus should be here any moment... Oh by the way Y/n on your career Y/n this was supposed to be done last year, but no matter you'll meet professor McGonagall first thing in the morning, Minerva would owl you the details when you wake up." Dumbledore said, "I'll wait for it." You said.

The door opened to who you believed was your Godfather and didn't bother turning a night's sleep was all you needed right now, "You called for me?" Snape said coldly, "Yes Severus Y/n has her dreams worsened and--"

"She's told me about it." Snape softly held your shoulder and your head was on the table you wished this would get over and you could just fall on the bed. "The potion to eliminate the voices... Had taken a considerable amount of time, these dreams..." Severus trailed eyeing Dumbledore cautiously as he began again. "The dreams have been significantly strong... I can't stop the dreams it's too powerful but I can cancel the voices." Snape said again "But she'll require not a vial or to an entire bottle every time she drinks it. But... These have severe side effects if she stops drinking the vials the dreams will flood with heavy noises which had been canceled out and it will be as if she's screaming in her head.." 

You got up "I won't stop drinking them" 
"Y/n dear these dreams I'm dealing with are dangerous just please Y/n hold it in If it gets worse and any other cases if I'm not able to brew the potion on time, Or something has happened it will be worse... You should first understand these dreams we will be telling you on these dreams, connections not today your drained dear you get some rest, If the dreams are worse I'll give you the potion." Snape pleaded, Seeing the sincere desperation in his dark eyes you nodded "Alright can I leave? I'm sorry but I'm drained." Snape kissed your forehead and escorted you back to your common room. 

Harry followed behind looked like he wasn't the only one with nightmares and dreams about Voldemort. How can anyone hear muffled voices, and strain their eyes for the entire night? It looked far too bizarre and horrible to experience it till the person falls asleep till they open?

Harry knew if you were not comfortable and didn't want to talk about it, but deep down Harry knew you didn't want to burden them with your problems, He rushed to get Ron and Hermione it was only 8 pm and it wasn't long before he found both of them in the common room. he went to them and explained everything he had heard. 

"That's horrible those voices really must have been exhausting." Hermione said pity laced in her voices, "Oh it was Hermione you should have seen Y/n she looked tired to speak, she rested herself on Dumbledore's office and Snape had to escort her back to the common room, or else she would have stumbled halfway there."

"Harry but what if Y/n really doesn't want to talk about it?" Hermione asked knowing how much discomfort you had when you just needed to speak, "Y/n I recon she doesn't seem the person who'll just talk." Ron added, "I know alright? But we must know what is happening, If this is harming her we must know about it, before she really  can't speak." Harry said.

"So we just-"

"She'll have the meetings with Dumbledore and I'll go there to see what is happening." 

"This is mad but I suppose it is the only way." Hermione ended.

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