A Day to Relax

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It was a Saturday you were quite exited when you woke up no classes, No home works and you had revised for the tests like 3 times. But, as usual you were always thinking. The boy in your dreams seemed to appear not once or twice every night. It was getting on your nerves now.

You got dressed-

You sneaked to the Slytherin Common Room and to Draco's room

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You sneaked to the Slytherin Common Room and to Draco's room. You saw him getting dressed.

Hello MR HANDSOME I said.

Hi N/N quite right about it. I am really Handsome. So, Are you exited? I asked.

So much we have not gone anywhere for a while now. Do not worry Dray summer is just round the corner. We will spend every waking miniute together.


At hogesmade-

You guys were laughing, Chatting having the time off your lives by the time you guys arrived back at Hogwarts around 7pm. You had bags in your hands and a beautiful bracelet Draco bought for you. You, Kissed Draco's cheeck thanks Dray I enjoyed and laughed so hard I will embrace this forever. No N/N Thank you, you have so many troubles but you have never stopped showing me you love. Then you guys hugged. Dray I need to meet my friends now, I did not even tell them They must be worried sick.


You closed your eyes and leaned Down something was happening-

You saw Hermione, Harry, Ron telling Mc Gonagall about the stone and as you guessed she just assured them. You got up from the floor and ran to the Transfiguration Classroom.

You reached there and they just exited N/N Harry and Ron said hugging you then Hermione hugged you.

" My gosh N/N where on Earth did you dissapear to?" Hermione asked a very mad.

They all started to ask questions.

GUYS never mind that look the Philospher's stone is in danger and you know who is after it.

Snape will get the stone. Harry said.

I sighed until he sees it for himself he will not understand.

" Look we need to sneak out tonight" I replied they all nodded.

In the dead off the night Me , Hermione, Ron sneaked out.

I saw nevile standing

" I will not let you go you will loose Gryfindoor a lot off points" Nevile said.

" I will Fight you all" he replied.

" I am sorry I really am but this needs to be done or else we all will be dead" I said taking out my wand

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" I am sorry I really am but this needs to be done or else we all will be dead" I said taking out my wand.

"Petrificius Toctalus"

I said he froze and fell stiff.

I said he froze and fell stiff

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Then I saw something

I saw a mirror a stone and Someone I could not make out.


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