An Frosty Christmas

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You and Voldemort have been working on the potion for about a month, but unfortunately, the potion had to be delayed for another two months, why? Voldemort made a simple mistake, What was it?
He simply gave you in charge of letting the snake's skin boil. You were supposed to boil it for an hour and then off it. You didn't know how long and let it boil for three hours straight. So, now you both had to redo that part which took weeks all over again, Deep inside you did not mind, your friends loathed Voldemort near you, while you were enjoying his company, He had interesting stories to tell. 
Today you were all going back home, It was Christmas and you had to tell your dad so much, You were all making your way to the Express. The journey was long as usual but you finally made it, The house was dark, and to be honest gloomy as usual. 
"FILTHY MUDBLOODS, BLOOD TRAITORS IN THE HOUSE." Screamed the black picture, You glared at the picture. "Shut it, woman! if I ever hear another word from your mouth, I'll burn the picture and not regret it!" You said dangerously, the picture scowled "BURN ME?! YOU ALREADY HAVE HALF-BREEDS, BLOOD TRAITORs! Scum!" She yelled unpleasantly, You knew your friends were right behind you, You silenced the picture, Stepping inside the hall you saw your father, Remus, Tonks, and Mrs. Weasly, with Mr. Weasly. 
You rushed to your father who caught you just before you were going to drown him alive, "Hello Princess" You hugged him tighter somehow he knew something was wrong.

"Let's have lunch and then talk." Sirius smiled pleasantly while hugging Harry. "Hello, Sirius." Harry greeted happily "Hello Harry." Sirius grinned. 
Mrs. and Mr. Weasly gave you a warm hug, after a cozy catch up you, Hermione and Ginny went upstairs to your rooms to freshen up, You smiled at the interiors of your room, you had designed it different because this house was way too dark for your liking, The fresh roses gave a sweet scent to the room, along with the pink and red pillows. You were silently smiling and admiring your room, and you didn't notice your father appear beside you, "wow and transformation." Sirius smirked.

"What can I say, dad? You have a talented daughter." You smiled. "If I said otherwise." He grinned and left you, you got dressed took a warm shower, and dressing to warm clothes, ate dinner with the lively chatter, and gossip around the table. After everyone had left you were the last to remain, You thought now might be a good time to talk. Only Remus and Sirius were left, while Molly was in the kitchen may be finishing up some work. 
"Dad, can you please tell me about my grandparents?" You asked catching the attention of both Sirius and Remus, Remus who was going through the prophet. They quickly turned their heads to you.

"Why do you ask princess?" Sirius curiously asked at your sudden question, You were playing with a fork which you had gotten from who knows where "Well..."

"Well?" Sirius questioned. "Well, I'll tell you later... I mean after you first tell me on my grandparents." You said maybe you could visit your grandparents this winter. "Okay..." Sirius dragged while Remus was suspiciously looking at you, "There your mother's parents obviously, and right, They were a very odd couple, they were introverts, never really talked much... and had an odd lifestyle. Don't get me wrong they were a lovely couple. However, some of their activities are questionable. Superstitious I guess you can say that." Sirius paused remembering the details. 
"Superstitious how?" You questioned.

"There beliefs..... They thought there children well, but had strange superstitious, you know right Muggles can't perform magic? Well they had contacts with Muggle so called witches and ancient wizards, they had contacts with alchemists, astrologers, and oddly archaeologists very peculiar, We visited there house, it was very how do I put it in words?.... Exotic? exotic pieces of ancient jewels, to many cauldrons, to many potions, plants in an alarming rate...." Remus interjected.

You turned to him, "Odd and mother never said anything about it?" You asked again both of them shook there heads, no. 
You became silent is this what Dumbledore was talking on about? When he said Luciana said she had to many secrets? You got up and after thanking them you were just about to leave when Sirius called you out.

"Oi. You were supposed to mention why you wanted this information." Sirius reminded "You won't understand it now." Sirius looked at you with 'What?!'

Just when you left Remus whispered to Sirius.

"You have to keep an eye out for that girl, you know how these teenagers are, there crazy." Remus said doubtfully. 
You went to say this all to your friends.

"So, I got the location, and after talking to my dad I got to know everything I need to we must meet my grandparents." You insisted when Ron and Hermione refused saying it was extremely dangerous. 
"I recon there will be death eaters, that to without anyone?" Hermione gasped "You don't actually think they'll agree to this do you?" Harry asked he was on your side, knowing this memory was far to important.

"But, Harry, Y/n this place is at Godric's hollow. It's too far it'll take like three days. To get there, Y/n can apparate sure? But they'll get to know instantly if we do something so stupid...." Hermione fired.

"Look Hermione we see how dangerous this is, we also see how important this is." Harry fired back.

"Recon we'll get us all killed. Then it'll be difficult" Ron chuckled. "Alright tomorrow?" Harry asked. "I'm not in it.... but lets at least inform.... umm Ginny? lets ask her to inform everyone to look for us, if we don't return in 3 days, and send her the information?" Hermione asked worried.

You and Harry agreed. After a bit of 'talk Ginny' she reluctantly agreed, unaware as to Mad eye moody over hearing  on the conversation.

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