Diary OF Tom Riddle

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"N/N, This chamber something is going to happen. I can sense it voices, people getting petrified the chamber this is not normal" Harry said.

You looked at harry and marked the bookmark in the page you were reading.

"No, something will happen I sense it to we can not really do anything until we get the required information we have made the polyjuice potion but I am not suprised Draco does not know. Dad, will not let just any information slip."

"What about that diary n/n you have it?" Hermione asked from beside you.

"I do, But I have not wrote anything there is some dark magic in it." They all nodded.


I was looking at the diary.

My name is Y/N Black.

the memory's pov (Tom Riddle's)

I looked at the name my eyes widned the girl of my dreams I need to be sure.

"Hi, Y/N I am Tom Riddle."

oh my god the book replied the connection fells so strong I need to make sure if he really is the one.

You guys started to talk the more you wrote the more you felt connected it had dark magic no doubt but you could not stop writing you wrote for hours talking on this and that When you saw Harry coming down.

"Could not sleep neither could I"

You and Harry took the diary and started writing.

"Let me take you back 50 years ago."

A bright illuminating light reflected and then it was gone.

I saw a boy the one of my dreams he looked so handsome anyway not the point.

"Harry he looks just like this"

"What how can that be how can you see a boy who lived 50 years ago?"

"That is what I am trying to find out Harry"

When we saw a body being carried by.

"That is Myrtle she told me how she died."

Harry nodded.

"RIDDLE" I herd a voice the boy immediately turned around Professor Dumbeldore.

"At this time he was the Transfiguration teacher."

"Riddle, it is not safe to be roaming the halls at night." Dumbeldore said.

"I had to make sure the rumours are true."

I am afraid they are.

"About the school as well I don't have a home to go to" The boy said looking sad.                            "I understand Riddle but I am afraid Headmaster dippet may have no choice.                 

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