Rewinding The Past Memories

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You were running your heart wanted to go to your friends and tell them honestly how you felt about him, and how you couldn't change that even if you tried. There was no use going back to them anymore. Now they know, you love Tom and what were you going to tell them anyway? SO you ran all the way to the shrieking shack. 
You found out Severus was there and you herd them both talking.

"My lord, you have performed extraordinary magic with this wand and I don't understand what would be the problem?" Snape slowly said. 

"Severus, you must know I am extraordinary but... this wand resists me it doesn't show me the wonders it has promised it's confided the magic do you know why?" Voldemort calmly asked, but you could tell he was seething with livid rage. 

"My lord, I assure you--" 

"You must know Severus, your a clever man why is the wand resisting me?" 

"I-I don't know my lord." 

"I see..." Voldemort said softly, "All this night I've been here wondering what was wrong.... and I found out, you killed Dumbledore and the wand belonged to him so... until you live this wand will not serve me... before that...." Voldemort said this part so softly. "Y/n's dead for a few weeks now and I feel over whelming regret why?" 

Severus didn't answer suddenly you saw Nagini's shadow lurch forward and slit his throat you barged in through the door when you felt a tug on the robes and pulled down. 

"Are you crazy Y/n?" Ron asked angrily. "You were going to- what were you thinking?" Ron asked harshly. 

After the scene had subsided you all went inside Snape lay on the ground barely breathing you knelt down clutching his arm, "Uncle please, respond to me." You said gently. 

Snape turned his gazes to you, mildly he looked astonished and then said "Y/n dear, H-how?" 

"Harry give me the elixar!" you pleaded. Harry whispered something to Hermione and he passed you the diamond. 

You let the drop fall into his mouth. "you'll be fine now."

"I  didn't think I'd ever see you again dear, I thought to give up cause there was nothing to fight for..."

"I was ready to give up to... with him coming in the way, messing up my life and there was nothing I knew I could do about it... I'm scared but there was nothing I could do to change that." You spoke forgetting for a moment the three of them were right behind you. 

"We can't let professor, I mean he shouldn't know Snape is alive!" Hermione gasped. 

"We can't hide him can we?" Ron asked. 

"No, but we could use your potion... Y/n." Harry said. 

You took out the potion and dropped it slowly into his mouth. "Voldemort he called of his army... for now." 

Snape was giving Harry a vial of silver mist type potion. 

Harry looked at you once and skipped off, to the potion room. "Y/n you need to hid him." Harry said slowly. 

You got up and handed Harry a vial off your own, he looked confused "Go." You said. 

You, Ron and Hermione had gone to the great hall seeing the dead corpses of so many students, some of them of not even of age yet. And then you froze on track you clutched your hair and dropped to your knees there you saw life motionless your.... father. 

"Oh my god!" Hermione gasped.  

You looked away in grief you wanted to use the elixar which was clutched in your hands to save him but scanning how he lay motionless but so in peace as though he was going to meet someone again he was finally going to meet Luciana the love of his life and they were finally going to be together and if you brought him back which also you couldn't since he was dead it didn't feel right you kneeled down on your knees and kissed his forehead and whispered in his ears "I love you dad, may you rest in peace." You saw Luciana's locket slightly peaking out of Sirius's pockets your cold hands met the locket and you slowly pulled it. 

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