The Ending (Edited)

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You had just made it back to the arena, Hundreds were clapping and cheering, you wanted to run, run away, hide and cry till you could no more. 

You slowly opened your eyes, you still wanted to run and. 

You would still do it, if you were not at Dumbledore's office right now, along with Harry who looked shaken like you, You were breathing heavily with the tears. 
You wished you could run, just so wished. Anything was better than being seated here, When there was an knock. 
Dumbledore opened it to Sirius who looked gaunt and skull like, like he had broken of Azkaban. With an swift motion he rushed to Harry. Sirius looked at you, feeling a deep pit in his stomach. He just tried to reach out an arm for you, but there was some thoughts around his head. Should he just try to comfort you?

He withdrew his hand, feeling empty, Sirius knew what had happened what you were going through. You needed help. He stared at your tear stained cheeks, Which still flooded with tears, Sirius reached for Harry's shoulder. 
"What happened? Why--" 

Dumbledore got to you gently and said "Y/n... I know this is more than what I'm asking, but I want you to tell me what happened in the Grave yard?" Right now you didn't want to speak. How could you? 
Sirius felt an rush of anger to Dumbledore, how could he ask you? You were barely even stable, "Can't that wait till tomorrow? She's clearly exhausted, she needs some rest and sleep Dumbledore! and you know what happened!" Sirius replied harshly. 
Harry and you could feel a wave of gratitude towards Sirius. But right now you wanted solace. Some calm, and just wanted it to be quiet. 

What had happened? Nothing tired you greatly the duel with Voldemort, his death eaters, what happened. It was your father, Lucius, You really couldn't go back home, could you? You walked out. 
Dumbledore paid no attention to Sirius words, and spoke again "Y/n" He said gently "What you had shown today, was bravery, and love beyond anything, When you faced with Him today. And you had shown remarkable skill getting Cedric Diggory, and Harry safely putting yourself in danger." Dumbledore paused. Sirius was filled with deep admiration, and was very proud even when you had lost people... 

It made Sirius heart clench harder than ever, he tightened his arm on Harry. "And all I must ask is, to show that bravery again, Tell me Y/n... what happened?" 

Fawkes wrapped itself around you, settling on your lap. Giving you comfort. Just tell it, the sooner you tell the sooner you can go... an voice rang through your mind. 

With great effort you began "Professor.... What I saw was." You breathed heavily. "We were when we touched the portkey... we were transported to an Graveyard, and we saw Tom Riddle's Senior's grave, Voldemort's father and then Peter appeared with what was soon to become Voldemort.... Peter h-e performed a sort of ritual I think, he took his father's bone, a little of Harrys blood, and cut his arm..... This restored Voldemort and he began telling his journey how he had survived the torture, of being the weakest creature....." You began telling everything you remember. 

"Finally I was able to find my remaining strength to Apparate... Please professor don't ask me more than this..." You begged Sirius had felt so bad. So bad he yanked you from the chair and pulled you to an deep hug. 

You were so shocked, and so tired Sirius comforted you rubbing your bag. He could feel your tears wet his dress, but he could care less. He never thought you were so brave... so daring. He hugged you letting you bury your head deeper into his shoulder. 

"Thank you Y/n. Harry please you may leave now, and get some rest." 

Sirius led you and Harry outside. 

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