The First Task

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You would spend a lot of time helping Harry with spells and knowledge. 

"And don't forget the disarming charm can be more powerful if practiced." You ended.

"Shall we go to the library?" You asked smiling.

"If you both are going to read I would want to do something else." Harry said shaking his head.

"Yes, N/n that was very abrupt." Hermione pushed.

"So, I was thinking since we have little to no information about this tournament we can check the previous Tri- wizard Tournaments to at least have an idea to what to expect Hogwarts has an magical library so that shouldn't be a problem." You suggested.

Hermione beamed. "Yes! why did I not think of this honestly n/n your a genius" She looked at Harry "What if he gets scared looking at the challenges"

"Then I don't know" You chuckled.

All of them started to laugh.


Here you were going through books in the section of previous records 

Previous records of school, previous records of  the most promising students, Previous records of the slug club

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Previous records of school, previous records of  the most promising students, Previous records of the slug club...You stopped at the book and flipped through the pages over there you could see Him Tom Riddle you took the book with you and stopped Previous records of the Tri- Wizard Challenges. 

You picked the book it looked good as new like it had not been touched.

"Y/n you found anything? The records I think Dumbeldore took it."

"No problem Mione I have it here."
You all read through with it 

"I found something the first task is always on defeating a magical animal look here it is to save something, In this year you have to get something are you getting the flow? We have a magical animal to fight and we must get or save something...It looks more of a tradition." You said scanning the pages.

"N/N Your a genius should we not warn any of the other champions."

"We, can't be sure Harry until we find out concise let's not give them the wrong idea."

"Ok, I think this is good for today N/n we practiced spells, Potions, and learnt so much let's call it a day beside today is a Sunday I will go talk to Ron." Hermione muttered the last part a bit hesitantly.

"Oh, alright can you please tell hi-, never mind I think the training today is enough but not finished the Tri-wizard's first challenge is on this coming Thursday. Harry, even I have to leave I need to meet up with Nevile we are working on the Project assigned at Herbology and I told I will be there."

"Bye" They both said together you took the book and went outside.

When you saw Draco sprinting towards you.

"Dray, what's the hurry I am not kidnapped am I?" You joked.

"Y/n, the first task is on Thursday how is everything going?" 

"It is going really good we have been practicing basic spells which can be used in all circumstances, A few Potions just in case Luck is not an option. Today we went through the Previous records of every Tri wizard tournament and I think the first task is the same 

for almost seven  tournaments champions have to take down an magical creature save something or take something. It is almost like an tradition so I think this year to something familiar" You finished.

Draco nodded. "So where are you going?" "To meet Nevile we have a Herbology project to finish."

When I saw you  girl with curly black hair pass by Draco just could not take her eyes of her.

"She is Astoria Greengrass she had been Transferred from Beauxbautons, Wait no way is my dear Dray into her?" You smiled.

"I-I am I have been watching her for weeks and I know her I want to talk to her but dad and mum..." Draco trailed of "They expect me to get to know Parkinson she is just annoying! and so clingy." Draco gagged.

"You, need to speak to her at least get to know her if you like her your either going to gain or lose but if you don't try you will get nothing." You sighed. 

"Think about it Dray would love to talk but I am in a bit of run."


You were outside 

"So the so the Asphodels and don't forget of Gillyweed." You finished you were working with Nevile for almost two hours you just had to finish the observation.

"Let's continue on Tuesday." Nevile suggested you nodded.

Quite a project you found Harry outside.

Then you spotted Harry appear with Ginny, Hermione, Ron and Seamus.

You saw Hermione and Ron frantically whisper to each other.

"So, Ron told me to tell you both that Paravati told Ron to meet Hagrid."

She ran back to Ron "What else?" She whispered.

"Tell them to come to the forbidden forest. With the Invisiblity cloack"

"And to come to the forbidden forest with your invisiblity cloack from exactly ten mins from now." Hermione finished so relieved she finished.

"Then you can tell Ron!" Harry started.

"I AM NOT AN OWL!" Hermione said.

"Come on Ginny, n/n come with us." You sighed walking with them.


You and Harry were in the forbidden forest.

Then you saw Hagrid walking but wait something was different? He combed his hair and had a flower.

"Who is the lady Hagrid?" You smirked. "The lady you want to impress?" 

"Umm Umm quick put the cloack." Hagrid blushed.

You giggled while Harry put the cloack.

"Oh, I thought you wouldn't come Hagrid." Maxime stared romantically at him.

"Of course I would come."

Harry gagged "Harry don't be rude it is sweet." You smiled how you wish it was Tom. Wait what the hell?

Hagrid and Maxime started to walk as you and Harry followed behind. Then they stopped at roaring dragons fire breathing ones.

"This is the first task." Hagrid clarified.

"Yes," Harry abruptly removed the cloack. "NO NO I CAN'T DO THIS IS THIS EVEN ALLOWED?"

"Harry calm down we will learn a spell-"

But Harry was long gone dragging you with him.

"So, shall we warn?" 


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