Destroyed Hocruxes and Restoration

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You woke up in a dimly lit room it was dark, and candles and the bedside lamp were your only source of light, You ran your fingers through your waist which was covered with bandages that looked like they had just soaked the blood since the stain of dry blood was still fresh.
Next to the lamp, you saw hot tea which had fumes spiraling probably kept hot by some spell. Next to it, you saw some bread.
You tried to remember what had happened to you, The day at the Malfoy Manor, where you saw your friends after a long time, and they were gone in a black portal. Voldemort was there and Bellatrix had stubbed a knife and then it was black, you must have fainted.
You didn't know where you were, or how long were you out. But, you took the tea and slowly dipped it in the freshly cooked bread.

Judging by how hungry you were you could say you were more than out for a day. And looking at the walls, which weren't familiar but still had black, and green.

You wondered when the door would be opened and who would come, maybe your family, or Voldemort would be a good guess

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You wondered when the door would be opened and who would come, maybe your family, or Voldemort would be a good guess.
You decided to sleep for some more time, to relax yourself.

You slept being embraced by the countless dreams, and this time when you were gaining conciousness, you herd someone talking to you, and you realized it was Draco he was clutching your hand.

You slowly opened your eyes, bandages now changed but your head still pounding, you got up and rested your head on the head board.

"N/n?" Draco said hesitentley from beside you, "H-how are you feeling?"

You were shocked to see Draco next to you, how long was it that he was finally talking to you, "Dray..." You said trailing off "I'll be fine." You said.

"I-I am sorry I couldn't do anything to help you.... I-I you--"

"It's alright, Draco. If you had done something you could've injured yourself in the process, it was better this way."

Draco shook his head tears in the brim of his eyes "I'm so sorry Y/n! I'm sorry for everything that had happened last year and the year before that! I betrayed you! I didn't support you even though I knew the truth that the Dark lord was back, and how I had avoided you and cut you out my life completely in our sixth year, because I was to cowardly to confess what you knew all along, and I'm sorry that when Professor Dumbledore died, I didn't stay when you needed me the most! I don't know what else to say other that I'm sorry..... And when I saw you stabbed last week I-I thought I had lost you!" Draco finished he was letting his tears flow freely now, and you felt your heart sadden before you embraced him and he immediately hugged you back.

"Draco what had happened you must know, it wasn't your fault, how were you to know that all this will happen? and you had the right to be afraid, and had the right to be confused.... what you need to know, now is.... It's okay. I am not blaming you, and.... Your forgiven." You said unsure if that was the right choice of words.

Beaming Draco hugged you tighter "Woah, not a whole there yet Dray, take it easy." You said motioning to the bandages. Draco let go and smiled.

Narcissa and Lucius had come to check up on you, when they herd laughing and silly jokes coming from the room you were resting at.
Narcissa smiled to herself, a little painfully.
Because she hadn't herd you and Draco laughing like this from the past year.

Lucius was looking around nervously his heart twinging.
"Lucius?" Narcissa softly called out, Lucius faced her "Do you want to go—"

"Let's go in Cissa, I'll need to talk to her some day......" Said Lucius quietly.

Narcissa gave a comforting smile and opened the door, you stopped laughing noticing who it was Especially your father.
Draco tensed up and slowly let go off your hands as you stared at them, no longer scared to meet your father's gaze.
Knowing you needed time, Narcissa andDraco had gone outside leaving you with Lucius.

You didn't say anything expecting your father to talk.

"Y/n..... It's been a while.." he said trailing off.

"It has, can't remember the last time you roasting me, because I got into trouble." You chuckled painfully.
Lucius slowly smiled "You once told me, you were accident prone, and I should worry if you were not getting in trouble..... now you are in trouble so are you okay?"

You smiled looking at him "You remember?"
"In your second year, you told after your Muggle...... amusement." He confirmed.

"Your accident prone, are you okay?"

"No, I am not okay, and I can't be okay. Everything's....... Messed up. And I can't sort it out, like damaged beyond repair. I have no idea how my friends, the order, Sirius, and how I will do at Hogwarts I've come here for finding the secrets of my mother, secrets of my family! And it's like I am only running for survival!" You gasped.

Lucius didn't say anything and contemplated your words carefully and then replied.

"Do you know why I sent you off? As soon as you discovered of the dark lord?"

"I never really thought about it"

"It was the only way to get you away from the dark lord, he's obsessed danger to love and I sent you to find answers, clues on Luciano, your mother was a mystery so? Which mystery couldn't be solved?
Listen darling, if you stay at Hogwarts more than you intend to, you'll loose time.
And you'll worry on your friends forever.
Promise me Y/n, your friends they Need you, this journey isn't just yours or there's it's a war.
Promise me, you'll go from here in the first chance and return with the answers."

You felt in hard to compensate his words, never had your father ever spoken to you that way and frankly you didn't think he would. Just when you were going to say—

The door opened and dot was Voldemort, with his black cloak, and his wand enclosed, and his snake Slowly sliding with him.
Lucius got up and bowed.
"Lucius, leave me and Y/n." Voldemort demanded.
Lucius nodded and left.

"Y/n dear, how do you feel?" He softly asked.


"You can be assured, you won't have to deal with Bella anymore...." Voldemort said a dark and sinister smile making up to his face.

"What did you do?" You felt you heart twinge.

"What I soul have done a long time."

"What??" You felt sick.

"Don't worry Darling, I've got it under control." He smiled that same sinister smile.

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