Finally we Talk

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You stepped in the Manor in the living room your Mother was there waiting she herd the door opened when she saw you coming she looked at you and smiled at how breath takingly beautiful you looked tonight. "Sweetheart look at don't you look beautiful." Narsissa walked to you slowly embracing you. "Thank you mum I feel it I love it Thank you" You beamed.

"Come, have a seat dear this is important." You obeyed what she told and filled the cup with Tea/Coffee your preference. You sat on the comfortable couch your parents sat opposite to you.

"N/n how are you doing?" Lucius casually asked sensing nothing wrong you started to talk.

"Just getting a little hard to manage with the tournament second's task day after, I'm trying to get Harry alive and with the examinations near by I often wake up with a mild headache from the dreams I'm seeing they get bad in my first and second year I only saw Tom in my dreams maybe for a few hours but now I hear him speak, He speaks less, and the dreams they start the moment I close my eyes till I open it, It happens in the middle also thankfully My godfather gave me a potion which reduces the dreams but he warned me it will still continue at night. Uncle, gave me another potion to reduce my headache to." You rattled as you sipped the hot beverage. "But, Honestly I've got used to it now now tell me how do I control my crush on him?" You said frustrated.

Your Mother and Father looked at each other and then back at you.

"Sorry Darling, Your going through with all this wait you like Tom?" Lucius had fear in his voice.

"Yeah, let's hope it is a crush and nothing more."  You sipped.

But you expected playful teasing but they looked very supporting.

"Sweetie, were so glad you told this." Narsissa got up sitting next to you. 

"Why wouldn't I mum?"
"Y/n Now we want you to listen to us very carefully because this is very important." Lucius said.

"Sweetheart, Tell me what do you know about your biological family?"

"Well.. Let's see  my mother is Luciana Black born to my grandparents who all died. My mother had a jealous sister Joanna who was a squib and my biological father Sirius is the last one alive and whatever you told me about my mother." 

"Well sweetie this information is not half as true let me start of by telling you. The Bouldrary family your mother's side were all pureblooded slytherins. These people were prejudiced to muggle borns etc etc.  Your Grandparents thought differently and cutted ties with all the others and were named blood traitors your mother and her sister were born to them however after Joanna was a squib 

but, your grandparents still loved her. Then they had Luciana Joanna hoped Luciana would be like her a squib this made Joanna very passionate of magic and hated your mother when Luciana got her Hogwarts letter. Your mother had been sorted to Gryfyndoor.

Before that, Your grandparents got seprated from the main part of the Bouldraries who believed in magical bloodlines being pure.

Your mother eventually married my cousin Sirius Black  I was her maid of Honor and attended the wedding in secret because if my sister found out then it will be a problem." Narsissa ended.

"N/n this was just something you should know about your family." Lucius looked at you. "The important part is on Joanna The Dark Lord used her used her to get information on the order of Pheionix, and your family and joined the Dark lord now this was a huge no for your Grandparents since they did not believe in blood purity hence, she was disowned since Joanna was a squib she was quite dispposable in the Dark lord's eyes but kept her since she was a spy. Now Bellatrix was the reason your mother died but how she found out was because of Joanna, gave the exact location, what she did and how to kill her after a week since Sirius had been sent to Askaban Luciana was killed." Lucius ended.

You were shocked so "Is Joanna alive??" You breathed.

"Yes, lives in Paris" Narsissa replied.

"Are my Grandparents alive??" You held your breath.

Lucius and Narsissa smiled at eachother.

"Yes, Darling there alive they are in Godric's Hollow we are sorry we didn't tell you but, your grandparents told until your fourteen remember n/n you can't go to them until the end of the year." 

Right now you were so Happy you decided to listen to them and not go you still had a lot of problems you were so happy for two reasons your parents talked to you and your grandparents are alive. You hugged the first person your Mother you put your head on her chest giving her a huge hug. "I'm so glad you told me this and not let me find out on my own I love you both so much." You hugged her in glee.

Your mother immediately hugged you back "I love you more sweetie this will be important please do as we say." Narsissa rubbed your back.

"Y/n look at me." You slowly looked into Narsissa's eyes "Y/n I want you to promise us one thing you will always remember me and Lucius Love you so much your the daughter we never had We both Love you so much will you promise me that?" Narssisa said in an serious voice.

You looked at her than at your father "I promise." You replied in an serious voice she pulled you into an hug again kissing your forehead.

You didn't understand why were they reassuring you so much? you felt another pair of strong hands around you. You, assumed it to be your father.

"Visit them only after the year ends" You nodded. 

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