Dolores Umbridge

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The very next day all of you were ready to return to Hogwarts you were a bit nervous to see Draco after an whole dreadful summer but you could find out what your family was doing, Moreover you could ask information on Voldemort but somewhere deep inside you felt something  was very badly wrong messed up.
After bidding goodbye to Lupin, who you had been confiding on Sirius cold treatment a lot lately kissing your forehead you bid goodbye to Molly, Arthur as you all found your seat in the train. Your head was feeling rather lightheaded as you closed your eyes to sleep a bit.
Sometime in the middle you had a dream in the train station there were parents bidding there children Goodbye while you saw in a far distance Tom it was him walking closer you saw a woman who looked much older than you and there were two kids you both were bidding them goodbye.


You Opened your eyes utterly shocked why that.

"You know I am related to the Black family but do you know my Mother's side?" 

All three of them stopped whatever there doing and looked at you 
"Mother's side? Yeah I absolutely forgot about them." Ron said to be glared by Hermione.

"So as I  was saying my mothers side is called the Bouldraries this family was in the sacred 28 do I have to say anything else? No they--" You were cut short by Harry.

"Sacred 28 what is that?"

Hermione rolled her eyes "The sacred 28 are the 28 most sacred renowned Purebloods, All believing in the Pureblood views The Boldraries kept the blood line pure for nearly 39 Decades the only family till date without breaking the chain even Y/n's  Mother Luciana Bouldrary married a Black from  from Sacred 28 Black family no one knows how it was possible the bloodlines does not have one Half blood and never a muggle- Born!  Some were lucky to find love in them some the marriages were nothing but an agreement most of them usually, the people who were supposed to marry would meet in there first year to ensure closeness... If possible."

"Wow so much to keep the bloodlines going."

"Yes Harry so much it is the reason my grandmother and Grandfather were the last  Pureblood match until they--" Then you paused you forgot you had been so caught up in letting them in your family history you didn't bother to put a Mufilto Charm, Besides this place wasn't good to let in so many personal information. "I'll tell you in an more secluded area places like this aren't good areas to be talking of such important information."  You stated.

Hermione instantly agreed "Anywhere you feel comfortable Y/n" Harry and Ron nodded.

Soon you arrived in Hogwarts getting your trunks you all scurried outside "OH!" Hermione exclaimed suddenly "Y/n I almost forgot you told me to remind you that you needed to say something to Harry on Occlumecy right?"

You smiled brightly "Thank you Mione, I forgot completely Harry you do remember the day of your Hearing right?" You Questioned Harry, Harry smirked "Of Course how could I forget the awesome Y/n Defences?"
"Why thank you Harry anyway before you went I went to meet my God Father on that day it so happens you have a connection with Voldemort and he can peer into your mind and you must block him... Protect your mind so uncle will give you special classes Monday to Saturday you need to meet him every evening he will teach you." You gripped your back pack as you hurried to grab Hermione's hand you did that sometimes. 

"Now that is not good news." Hermione smiled.

Harry gasped in Horror "What what what, have I done to deserve such a punishment detention with Snape? Extra classes alone! Y/n please tell me this is a bad dream and you will be pulling the covers Y/n your there right?"

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