The Battle In The Sky

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You were assured you had never flown higher and faster in your broom than today. You could hear the wind gushing through you but today it felt as though the wind was howling. You flew with anger and haste. You had to take the death eaters away from everyone when they start to fly it'll be too dangerous if someone else comes. 
Too many lives and injuries, you did the last recall of your dreams on who was there and what spells they cast you had a plan ready in your mind. You flew a little higher and took a deep breath remember Y/n if you die here and today, you die for a noble cause. You reassured yourself. 
When two lightning bolts were expectedly was shot you moved aside. "IT'S THE GIRL! DON'T HURT HER!" One death eater shouted. Apparently, someone ignored them as a killing curse was shot at you. 
You had to divert their attention and make them follow you. "I SAID DON'T HER! WANT TO BE KILLED?!" The death eater shouted infuriated.

You did divert there attention but you were barely dodging all the spells. Two spells ricocheted against each other causing an huge explosion. Blasting a bit of your arm as it painfully stung. An blasting spell was summoned at you as you barely managed to over turn it, "OVER THERE!" A voice who which belonged to Bellatrix screeched "THE BOY, DON'T GO AND ONLY CHASE AFTER THE GIRL! GO FOR HARRY POTTER!" Commanded the woman. 
"EXPULSO! CONFRIGO" You yelled ricocheting the two death eaters right beside you. You fastened up Bellatrix was right behind you "STUPIFY!" She casted "Protego!" 

Threstreals form an distance screeched loudly as spells were blasted everywhere. "Hagrid we got to find Y/n! she's fighting alone!" Harry said. "Can't do that Harry Mad eyes orders." Mad eye thought right. Voldemort was going after Mad eye the most bravest and the strongest of the Aurors. When he saw an spell being blasted at Voldemort who blocked it, and went to the direction of the spell. You were fighting Bellatrix still and you were trying very hard to kill her and she was trying very hard to not kill you.
When you felt the same connection he was here, near. There you saw it like an dark cloud flying without broom or anything to hold him he was simply flying. "EXPELLIARMUS!" You aimed but he didn't even sweat to block your spell. 

You sped up in your broom and saw from an far distance electric poles Voldemort was right behind you, "INCENDIO" The poles burst with fire as Voldemort screamed by now everyone would have gone, You were supposed to stop at the Tonks but the Weasleys house was not far from here you spotted the burrow and landed your legs feeling like an bowl of noodles and your head spinning like an tornado. 
You knew everyone was at the Tonks you had to attend to these injuries. "Y/N!" Ginny yelled spotting your silhouette from the distance at least she assumed it was you. Mrs. Weasley came out at once and rushed to you. 
"Oh my my Y/n what happened?" Before anything your head burst with the pain as you fainted you felt Ginny tug on to you, the last thing you herd was Mrs. Weasley rushing to call Arthur. 

At the Tonks place everyone was alive luckily. Except George hadn't yet come and nor had you. 
"We didn't stand a chance. It was an ambush, They knew Y/n was going to tell what had happened in her mind but we wouldn't listen. Her alternative was to take the death eaters away." Mad eye said. 
"We need to find Y/n and George." Hermione gasped "We can't it's to late." 
"Let's get back to the Burrow maybe they are there. I saw Y/n blasting the electric poles. The burrow was way near the Tonks house." Harry suggested. "I recon mum's already looking after them." Ron added.

The order along with Harry, Hermione and Ron arrived

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The order along with Harry, Hermione and Ron arrived. "Remus where were you? And what happened to George?" Sirius asked horrified. "Got hurt Sirius. Where is Y/n?" 
Mrs. Weasley rushed outside helping George. "Sirius I've got some bad news your daughter--" 
"What happened to her?" Sirius asked hoping this was not going to be true "She was fighting and she came home but her condition she's very tiered. We are attending to her injuries and she won't wake anytime soon..." 

Sirius sighed "Where is she?" 

"In the bedroom." Molly panted "Now get in quick." George was wounded while Arthur brought you out for some air because the room was a bit closed of you had an long cut in your face and you looked exhausted. Sirius stroked your hair "It's okay Princess you'll be fine. You were so brave." He whispered into your ear. 
"We need to take Y/n word on from now. Her predictions really aren't going wrong." Mad eye sighed. 

You woke up to someone hurrying hear and there your eyes fluttered open, your eyes quickly shut squinting at the sun. Your wounds were all healed up and you wanted to take an shower after you did.

 Your wounds were all healed up and you wanted to take an shower after you did

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You went outside to meet Remus who looked shocked "Y/n!? Thank god." He breathed. Sirius immediately got up hearing your name and gave you an huge hug. "Oh god Y/n you scared me to death." You were hugged by your friends who looked very relieved. 

"How are you feeling Y/n?" Hermione asked. 

"Much better." You noticed George who lost one of his ears you knew exactly which spell did this Sectumsempra, means cut forever. 

"George come here." He looked confused but came "Vulnera Sananteur, 

Vulnera salentaur." You whispered and his ear was as good as new. 

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