The Final Stance

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You slightly blinked open your eyes, you were on the floor an heavy light bounding you. You opened your eyes where were you was this heaven? but, you looked around where were the flowers? the smell of vanilla candle around and the most softest mellow playing in the background. The essence didn't quite meet your views on how heaven was supposed to be, and yet, you didn't mind actually. But, seriously you couldn't find out where you were. 
"Hello my dear." Came a soft voice. You spun around, half expecting danger but you didn't have your wand, only then you noticed your long jacket, with the muffler had been replaced by a elegant long dress soft in silk softly brushing against the floor. You turned up to see the woman in front of you she looked so beautiful it was your mother...

Her photo which you had, she didn't have her hair down it was recoiled and put into an elegant half bun, she to was wearing a soft blend of cream and white texture of a silk clothing which touched the ground, She had a beautiful and the most loving smile gracing her lips. 


She smiled brighter hearing the word, 'Mother', "Yes dear, want to walk with me let us go over the details shall we?" Luciana warmly asked. 

You nodded your head in bewilderment and followed her, "I don't understand where am I am I in heaven?" 

"Well... I thought it was missing the flowers, the mellow, and the vanilla essence?" She chuckled. 

"Y-Yes... but I remember my body collapsed and I died." You protested against the absurdity of what your mother was conveying you. 

"Your body collapsed when you had exhausted yourself and when your heart didn't have the energy to get through it." She corrected. 

"I still don't understand Voldemort he took me in tortured me, I don't want to believe he did what he did! I wish we were not soulmates, I wish I didn't have to love him! like at all! I want to hate him, I wish... I wish I didn't have the memories which I saw Tom!" You ended. 

"Don't you think my dear, it's wrong to judge a man by what he had gone through when he was a boy?" She gently asked. 

"I'm tired of caring, I keep reminding myself he had a difficult childhood and all he needs is to be loved, his mother chose death instead of his son who needed her, his father left Tom, like a worthless object he grew up in an orphanage peculiar to the other kids, who despised him, wanted to send him to the asylum. No one ever bothered to actually get to know him, and then they complained. I sometimes wonder Mother, if he was just shown some Love he wouldn't have been the monster he is today!" You said looking down. 

"And if he hadn't done what he did you wouldn't have met now could you?" Luciana asked again. 

"It makes no difference he's become rampage itself! destroying everything that comes in his way. I thought I could change him, he would still be convicted of his crimes, but if he showed some remorse he would have earned forgiveness... and I'm so sorry mom, I know I should wish him to be dead he killed you, Lily and...." You trailed looking down ashamed. 

Soft hands lifted your chin making you turn to Luciana's blue eyes. 

"And your quite wrong there my dear, You don't have to wish someone dead just because a person faced an unfortunate fate, I'll admit I had my fair shares of wishful thinking, I had dreams of my own. I had expectations. I missed out a great deal... but still, one thing you should learn is to not hate. You say you hate Voldemort? but I'll disagree it's okay to say you Love him." She soothed. 

"Really? but it's still unforgivable!" You said. 

"How? because you were destined to be the soulmate of the darkest wizard? the lost prophecy chose you? the memories chose you?" She questioned tilting her head. 

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