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After the memory had ended you slowly pulled your head out still crying and shaking you were crying so much you even got tired.

"Let me tell you this." Narsissa started "We meaning your mother and me were very close she was the only Gryfindoor I liked we got our education and graduated with Honnors. Being talented in potions she became a potioneer and I worked in the top positions at the ministry of magic. We were very close even there then Voldemort began rising to power...Lucius being under the imperius curse did the bidding of the dark lord..." She lied the last part.

"We were under the curse for a long time. I would often visit your mother almost everyday. However Sirius and I did not get a long very well keeping in mind highly strong beliefs enforced upon me I could not bring myself to disrespect my family laws. So what exactly happened was there was a group in school they called themselves the 'Marauderes' Sirius, James, Peter and Remus were in the group very meschivous constantly in trouble only Remus had good scores the rest were umm sort of daft... Now peter was the rat hidding behind strong people for protection certainly no Gryfindoor ...........Fast forward many years It was rumoured Sirius was the reason the Potters were dead he gave the information to The dark Lord....However this was far from truth...Sirius had gone to company Dumbeldore for the wherabouts of You- know - who. So, they had to change there safe keeper Luciana and James made a huge mistake...They trusted Peter to be the safe keeper...Now what I am about to tell you is highly secret Peter was working under The Dark Lord so he gave the exact location of both the familes Your mother was devestated from the news knowing she had nowhere to go She dissaprated you to a safe house protected with the most powerful spell....Love. She dissaprated you and Harry.

I did something your mother would want me to do I took you under mine and lucius care and raised you. Harry was given under the Dursley's care or else if not Lily would have died in vain. Your mother died by my elder sister.....

"Bellatrix Lestrange" You said through gritted teath.

"Yes, I never forgave her and I sent her to Askaban without her knowing. In other word Peter is the reason the potters are dead and is the reason your father is in Askaban.

You were breathing heavily.

Your mother warmly embraced you this time you returned her embrace she pulled away and kissed your forehead. 

"Better?" Narsissa asked.

"The truth is still painful but it feels good to know this I love her my mother and Thank you, you both never once made me feel like I did not belong here. I love you mom." You said.

"I love you to sweetie." She embraced you for a long time.

"Now, listen I know you got to know your Godfather? Your mother fell in Love with him knowing his heart was for Lily she let him go and loved Sirius." She finished.

You were much calmer now your tears had dried you closed your eyes and dozed off.


Lucius came into the room an hour later. He saw you sleeping and put the blanket on you and kissed your head.

"So? How did it go?" Lucius asked.

"She was very hurt Lucius, She was hurt how will she take the other secrets" Narssisa said.

"I don't know."


You were back in Hogwarts going to Professor Lupin's room.

You knocked this time.

"Y/N are you ok Y/n?" You saw Professor snape or should you say godfather

"I am fine things will be strange what shall  I call you? Uncle does that make sense?" You asked.

"Yes, that would do Professor lupin is not curently here.

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