Hogwart's teachers Quality check

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Umbridge was an terrible person only an mad person would say otherwise, Umbridge had power over the school appointed by fudge. What made it worse was she was destroying the school. She had removed the moving pictures on the wall, Just to add her ridiculous rules. Each one was more meaningless than the other. These days she had been visiting every classroom, To interrogate the teachers?


At Divination Class-

"Oh! this might be useful." Hermione commented. "See? not all bad, of course there is future telling and all but Dumbeldore wouldn't keep her if she didn't teach well." You chuckled.

When Umbridge walked in "Hello class hope everything is going well in here" Umbridge said with a fake smile.

"So you can read the future?" Umbridge was talking to Terlawany "Can you read me a tea leaf? Just a tiny one?" Umbridge smiled, it almost felt as if she was smirking.

When Teralwany didn't reply, Umbridge tutted before walking away.

"WAIT!" Teralwany went to bring a cup "You are in danger, grave danger.... Alliances against you, you don't have much time in school." Umbridge simply smiled walking away you could sense something wasn't right.


At Potion's class-

Uncle, had assigned us some writing to do and the class was quite as we were busy doing the work. 

"So you wanted to take the place for Defence against the dark arts?" Umbridge mockingly asked.

You could swear if you were not in the situation you currently were, She would have been dead by now. 

"Yes." Snape said in an cold voice.

Ron started chuckling, You will get it nicely Ron. You said through his mind.

"But denied the post two times?" Umbridge said in her high pitched voice.

"Obviously." Umbridge satisfied, Gave an annoying giggle before walking out. This lady will have to die. 

Unexpectedly Uncle flung the paper book he was holding on to Ron's head.

Parvati, Angelina giggled quietly as you smiled.

"Uncle here done, will you check it now?" You asked giving it to him. 

"I have no doubt that you have done well in this, I think you can go--"

"No" You quickly uttered he looked at you funny "Umbridge she will trouble me." You said he nodded his head as you sat down looking at everyone's beautiful faces.


It happened in other classes you were not a part of at choir practices oh my god what was wrong with this woman? What is fudge thinking?
Since you were in the squad you had to weekly meet with Umbridge, that is also a reason why you have been doing your home works with your godfather he can give you excuses, and permissions you require to let go of you.

You were in your godfather's office, He was simply marking some papers while you were studying like an mad havoc. You had to get an O.W.L.S and no Exceeds.

"Y/n?" Your godfather called "Yes uncle?" You responded.

"How are you coping with Umbridge? And your friends and all."

"Oh" This question you didn't expect you sighed "I'm trying to go accordingly, I guess? My friends brighten up my day, I still feel so.... I don't know pathetic? I've lost a lot of people. I try talking to my dad, but it is like he has created an invisible barrier around him for an unknown reason. My parents" You were referring to Lucius and Narsissa "They said keeping in touch is dangerous. To top it all of this stupid Umbridge came of!" You said as frustrated tears ran down.

"It's ok come here." You ran to him embracing him in a warm hug. He tightly returned it back.

"I just miss him my father. In the third year, when I met him I thought, I had a blood related family. I didn't cry to much because I had the Malfoy's, Now when I really need him, he's not here then why did he even come back? If he can't stay?" You sobbed wetting his robes, but you knew he didn't care. 
"No, dear don't say that you have to talk to him."
"Uncle he doesn't want to talk I try but, He just ignores me what is the use?" You didn't let him go.
"You deserve to know why he doesn't want to talk?" 

You shook your head no "I barely see him two times a day, It's either Lupin I talk or my friends."

"Don't worry this time will pass."


The rest of the day was as normal, The army was working on the disarming charm. Harry had told you that some people were struggling and they had to work on it, You were busy with the transfiguration and Ancient Ruins studies. You had to get this over before your curfew, A few hours later you had finally finished. You were going back to the courtyard for some fresh air.

When an Owl dropped an letter near your foot, you knelt down picking it, it was from Umbridge and was for you, If it wasn't for your bad mouth, you would have burned it.

Miss Black,
May I please have an word with you? Please reach my office 
When you get this letter. I have a few questions to ask you.
-Dolores Umbridge-

What questions could she possibly want to ask?

You immediately appiarted to the front of her office. You knocked before entering.

"Come in." Came Umbridge's voice, You opened the door stepping in.

"Sit Miss Black." She demanded.

You sat down.

"Tea?" She asked.

"No, Don't feel like it today." You said "You wanted to ask me questions?

"Yes a few really."

"Personal?" You questioned. "I don't see how they can be personal?" You hummed indicating to ask the questions, she sipped her tea and she looked as if she was trying to read you.

"How is your friends O.W.L.S preparations going?"

"They have read the textbooks given, On charms and there uses and there causes, This is what they have told today I don't know." You replied a little scared.

"Hmm, You seem to spend a considerable amount with Professor Snape, any reasons?"

"Excuse me?" You asked what was her problem with that.

"What I meant was you have been there for a long time."

"Right, I want to be a Potioneer, So I just use his assistance." You lied.

"How are the Professors?"

"Each one are unique and truly have passion on what there teaching, It's helpful and there great." You replied happily.

"I see how come your not part of the O.W.L.S study?"

"My classes, and schedule they don't match there timings." 

"Very well Miss black you can leave."

You knew Umbridge was on to you and you had to warn them, Quickly before it was to late.

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