An Split

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You sighed after the waitress took all of your orders and went when two oddly dressed people walked straight to the register counter. Harry stared intently at them with as much suspicion as you had, Harry noticed them pulling out their wands... "DUCK!" Harry yelled, 
Two shots of light were charged at you three, "STUPIFIY!" They were two death eaters. Ron sucked in the lights and closed the shop.
The waitress came out bewildered. "GO!" Hermione screamed, "GO!" Hermione said sternly. Finally taking the hint.

You finally managed to Stun Doholov and Antonin. 
You obliviated them both and began walking away from there. 

"I can't believe it" Ron called out angrily "These death eaters are everywhere." 
"Oh no!" Hermione suddenly said "Harry it was your birthday.... and Me, Y/n and Ginny we made cake... we thought we'd bring it after the wedding and--" 

"Hermione. I appreciate the thought but... birthday at a time like this?" Harry said justifying what had happened in the coffee shop. "Yeah Right," Hermione said. "We must start tracking these Hocruxes as soon as possible, Hogwarts is out of limits now. If I could just find wormwood." You heavily sighed. "Wormwood why?" 
"I could use it to locate the Horcruxes, anyway Harry do you remember that day when Professor Dumbledore showed us the memory of Tom Riddle? When he had visited Hepzibah smith? Remember his eyes? did they gleam red? Maybe there are two of his Horcruxes?" You said.

"And where could they be?" Harry asked again "Maybe with one of You-know-who's loyal death eaters?" Suggested Hermione. "Harry!" You suddenly called out. "We need to go back to the Black-house, my dad... you see he had a brother... Regular Black. His younger brother they didn't get along great... but dad... he told something about a hoax." 

"Hoax?" Ron asked "A fake Horcrux I don't remember the details. But, we need to go there... I just hope dad will be there... and hope he is safe..." You said almost in tears. "Anyway the house it's too far to Apparate.. we need t-to walk some distance." 

Instantly you began walking, Hermione made some pauses to get some things. But after a while, you could Apparate them to the front of the door in the dead of the night. It was like stepping into an even more depressing house, gloomier than it already was. "So, where exactly are Molly? and their children?" You heard some indistinct talking in the kitchen. You had asked your friends to wait in the drawing-room. 
You silently opened the door, The indistinct talking subsided at once. You revealed yourself. You saw tips of wands pointed towards you and then lowered down. 

"Y/n?" Sirius slowly called out. He had rushed to embrace you. "Y/n thank god you're alright." 
You instantly hugged your dad. "I am fine, Harry, Ron, and Hermione too." He held you for a while before pulling away. "Wait Harry, Ron, and Hermione are there to?" Lupin asked,  "In the drawing-room."  

Immediately they made there way to the room. "Sirius, Lupin your here to?" Harry got up relieved "Yeah.. most of them have gone into hiding I recon, underground." Sirius replied "How in the world did you four make it here?" Lupin asked "Death eaters... they are everywhere, the blood protection is broken, taking every chance to take Harry to him." You sighed sitting on the couch. "Bellatrix she discovered this place didn't she? it's not safe here, I over herd Rowle saying they are examining all the order houses, and this is head." 

"None of the places are now dear, the safe places are gone before you knew it." Sirius said again "Not even Hogwarts, Snape's become headmaster there." Hermione added "What happened after the wedding?" Harry asked not expecting any good news. 

"We were right.... The ministry had been infiltrated. Pius Thicknesse is a death eater." Lupin announced "Pius? Really, but he was the magical law enforcement he was deeply committed to the Ministry, besides I had seen the last death eater meeting... Yaxley, he placed an Imperius curse on Pius." You dismissed the theory. "If the Ministry has been so infiltrated Scrimengor he would be surrounded---"

"And dead." Sirius interrupted Hermione "Scrimengor is dead, few days itself. Hogwarts has been brandished by loads of death eaters." 

"How are the doing? Is it even safe now? With Dumbledore gone, and I need to get back into Hogwarts and sooner the better." You said. 

"WHAT?!" Sirius, Hermione, Harry and Ron screamed. "Princess.. no absolutely no! just no! Your visions have always been powerful, but this just no!" Sirius replied exhilarated. 

"Guys you all don't get it--" 

"Get in there? are you insane?" Remus quickly asked, you pulled out an book "I've made an list on major events happening and.... I have lots of things to find out... the other pieces of Hocruxes, I know one is in Hogwarts. I have a chance to talk to my godfather again, and the Carrow twins they are there taking post of muggle studies. Until I'll be there He won't be searching for you Harry, and we have a better chance of vanquishing the Hocruxes." 

"But... no! I mean risking your life for me No!" Harry said "Search the Hocruxes, one I'm sure, is in Hufflepuffs cup, Salazar's locket, and Snake!" You said heavily "That snake which Voldemort keeps close by?" 

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