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"Hmmm... she said you really are the most powerful black witch."

"Thank you Hermione". She nodded and looked at Harry, "You must be Harry Potter. I have read about you", she then took out her wand and pointed it at Harry and fixed his glasses. She asked Ron and told pleasure in an disgusted tone. She then got up "you three should change into your robes we will be at Hogwarts soon". You three changed to your robes and spotted the school from afar.

You gaped in awe "it is so beautiful" You breathed  "Yeah it is" Harry told his eyes widening. Ron nodded.

It was beautiful than any book or anyone had told

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It was beautiful than any book or anyone had told. It was breathtaking.

You guys went inside where you noticed a woman who you recognized  as the deputy headmistress,  She explained on the sorting ceremony  the houses and all.

When Neviles frog,  was there "Trevor!" He interrupted getting his toad,  name and went to get it professor gave him the look.

When Neviles frog,  was there "Trevor!" He interrupted getting his toad,  name and went to get it professor gave him the look

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Then she left. Then you herd your brother "so it is true famous Harry potter has come to Hogwarts? I am Draco, Draco Malfoy." Then Ron let out a chuckle. "Think my name is fun do you? well let us see Red hair hand me down robes you must be a Weasly." Draco hatefully spat. "You will soon see Potter, some wizarding families  are much better than the others you don't want to make friends with the wrong sort I can help you with that". You had enough with your dear brother's nonsense  "Listen Draco you told all wizarding families  are equal and do not be so conceited  and rude."

"I can tell the wrong sort for myself thank you." Harry added.

Before he could reply Mc Gonagall came back come in everyone you all went in and you looked at the ceiling in awe. The ceiling is not real it is a sort of charm You turned to look at Hermione "yeah I too have read bout it but it looks more beautiful than any book has described it so far" Hermione smiled "yeah I agree",

 The ceiling is not real it is a sort of charm You turned to look at Hermione "yeah I too have read bout it but it looks more beautiful than any book has described it so far" Hermione smiled "yeah I agree",

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Then you guys went front and you spotted a hat now that will take us to our houses.

"Susan Bones" McGonagall  called the girl went "hmmm hmmm the hat started Huffelpuff

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"Susan Bones" McGonagall  called the girl went "hmmm hmmm the hat started Huffelpuff."

"Hermione Granger" before you could give her a reassuring  smile your eyes closed and you saw a memory-

Tom Riddle a woman called the boy went and he was so cute and handsome but that was not what you noticed the most he walked in with so much confidence and pride he carried himself so gracefully .Like he belonged there the hat was placed on his head the hat was troubled weather  he should be put in Ravenclaw or Slytherin? After a while the hat put him in Slytherin. He then went to sit in his house you felt a connection a strong one. Y/n he muttered, wait how can this be possible How does he know me?.

Back to the present you saw you were the last person there standing you turned and spotted Harry, Hermione, Ron and Nevile in Gryfindoor, and you searched for Draco who was in the Slytherin table all off them had a worried expression. I think they tapped me and I could not respond. Still feeling a little Lightheaded You herd a faint voice "Y/N Malfoy-Black?", but you could not pay attention you walked slowly and kneeled down on the floor. You rubbed your temples from the sudden force of the energy and calmed your breathing.

Professors, all off them knew your memories the connection with the Dark lord had begun.

"Are you ok Miss Black?" you herd  her voice after which you felt much better you softly smiled "yes ma'am" 

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