The Memories again and again

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Apart from the problems in your life, a lot was going on at school as well. Today the first thing on a Saturday, You couldn't simply sleep and just say I feel like resting today. That was not an option you, Harry, Hermione, and Ron joined the great hall for breakfast where Professor McGonagall was handing parchments of new timetables according to what they wanted to be when they finished school. 
"There you are Y/n and your friends as well they've already gotten their timetables just let me finish Longbottom's timetable." Professor McGonagall began speaking to Nevile. 

While he was talking to him, You noticed how quiet Harry looked he was deep in thought Hermione and Ron tried conversing with him, But he gave them direct answers. 
"Y/n" Hermione called standing next to you, as you waited for your turn "What do you want to take?" 
"I'm not sure. I have never thought about it till now." You said "I have been occupied recently" 
"No shock in that with You-Know-who, How's the potion coming out?" Hermione whispered "The potion's complicated it doesn't make sense, Voldemort brews it better he probably tried brewing that potion." You said quietly.
"By the way what's up with Harry?" You asked noticing he was quite glum. Hermione looked at Harry and back at you "You don't know but Harry's gotten himself with a liking of Cho, and by the way Y/n why do you think Professor Snape's stopped the occupancy classes?" Hermione asked hoping you might have the answer. " 

"Now I didn't know he stopped those classes but don't Harry need those classes?" You asked confused "Actually it stopped at the fifth year." Hermione replied, "So he's mastered occlumency?" 
"Look Y/n I don't know it is why I came to you!" She huffed annoyed. "Alright I'll tend to him you go wait." 

You heard Professor McGonagall's voice call you-"Miss Black you were supposed to attend a personal meeting with me regarding your career plans no matter what do you aim to become?" McGonagall asked "That's what I'm thinking on? Should I become the minister of magic itself?" You asked "You would easily get that your grades are quite high. But, I must say Snape won't take anybody in his N.W.E.T classes unless they get an O.W.L.S." 

"That shouldn't be a problem professor McGonagall," You said knowing your grades were high. "Indeed here this will be your schedule." You took a glance at the subjects. 

You went to your seat with Harry, Hermione, and Ron you had to drop out of Quidditch on Dumbledore's and Snape's advice, and today you had to meet with Dumbledore and your Uncle. 
"By the way Harry how did you get so good at potions?" You suddenly asked, "I mean it sounds so erratic you became the best students." You smiled "Must have worked hard, Keep the good work up Harry." You praised not noticing the glances Harry did to Ron and Hermione.

"Y/n shall we go to Hogsmeade tomorrow? Grab some Butterbeer?" Hermione invited "Sure sounds good. Guys classes" You reminded quickly.

After all the classes for the day, you all were in the Gryffindor common room,

"Y/n Hermione, do anyone of you know a spell called Sectemsempra?" Harry asked you were shocked how did he know of that spell? Uncle had only told you on that spell. He said no one knew about him and it was a very dark spell. "No" Hermione replied agitated "Ever since you got that book you've been doing exceptionally well in potions. I'd like to know what is in that book." Hermione got up.

"What book?" You asked "Oh you don't know? Ever since Harry got that advanced potion's book he doesn't let go, I'd like a nice chat in the night but no he's absorbed in that book." Ron ended.

"Now that explains everything but really who is that genius?" You got up to "I to want to know what's in that book." You claimed.
Harry quickly got up and held the book "No the binding is umm fragile."
"Oh, really a hardcover? Is fragile? Come on Harry just show." You went up to him and he moved when Ginny grabbed the book and opened the first page.

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