Rewinding The Past Memories||2

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"You disgust me, Severus," Dumbledore said with venom Snape looked away. 

"I know what I've done but there coming for the people the only people I have any.... emotion to! you have to protect them, don't let Luciana fall into his hands he's hunting her! and he's not going to stop until he gets it!" Severus begged. 

Dumbledore looked at Snape in a serious way, "What is it he wants from her?"  

Severus hesitated "He wants her to take the dark mark and join them that!.... ignorant Potter can not see! the dark lord saw, Potter.... he keeps insulting Luciana when they are hidden only Luciana should do the enchantments, 

"Severus but, what will you give me in return?" 


The scene reversed 

"I told you! I told you! not to trust Pettigrew, Luciana warned you! she took so much risk on that day to tell you, where she was vulnerable to any attacks she could've died! just to warn you why? how could you both of them are dead I told you! to keep an eye for Joanna not to take her lightly she didn't like her sister and would do anything to have her.... dead. I told you everything Dumbledore the people in the meeting what Lestrange and Joanna planned to do, Pettigrew was betraying! Luciana came to you that day h-How couldn't you... listen to her?" Severus grieved. 

"I didn't trust her...." Dumbledore admitted sadly, Severus looked shocked and faced Dumbledore angrily. 

"What!? What!? couldn't you've seen Dumbledore what Luciana did just so that they were not dead she did so much to save the Potter's!" 

Dumbledore faced Sirius with something that Harry couldn't mistake Harry was seeing Dumbledore ashamed. 

"Luciana's own insecurities have been her biggest downfall." 

"I-I wish I were dead." 

"And Severus what use would that be to anyone?" 

"You don't understand! I've lost them both! there gone!" 

"They boy and girl are still there Lily's son and Luciana's daughter your god daughter don't let them go Severus." 

"There is no need to protect them the dark lord is gone he's dead!"

"Your wrong, he's only gone for now when the time comes you know both of them are in terrible danger." 

The scene shifted.

Dumbledore and Snape were now in the office.

"The girl needs to be watched over Severus she's in her third year how long will you avoid her cause she so painfully reminds you of her mother?" Dumbledore asked. 

"She's just like her mother....."

"Quite wrong in that she's only emotionally like her mother, her outside is more like her father you know she has gotten the traits needed to be a better person than her mother and father." 

"She has the confidence of Black, which hasn't turned to arrogance, she's got the soft, kind nature of her mother which hasn't turned to self doubt." Severus ended. 

"You know what will be her biggest downfall.... her reasons to hide her emotions, to hide her feelings she will be the most closed of now Severus being fed with lies she needs to be helped." 

"I can't s-she--" 

"She needs you Severus, she is only a girl who has great challenges up ahead she needs guidance against the lies. When the prophecy rises again... Voldemort will ask you to look for the girl." 

Prophecies and Lies|| Tom Riddle/ Voldemort X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now