His Daughter and Forgiveness

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"Black will come tonight." You said to Hermione.

You had not talked to Harry for a few weeks you missed him no doubt but you could not bring yourself to speak to him, Harry tried many times to explain to you but you ignored him.

"I don't believe professor Terlwany she is crazy." Hermione said.

"Ummm I don't think so it is real."

When we saw a bloody big dog a black one the one seemed so familiar like I was close to Sirius but apparantely the dog had other ideas it sprinted and I was standing next to Harry it jumped over us and ran for Ron caught him by his leg and dragged him...That would have hurt it pushed him down the hole.

"Ron!" I shouted..I appariated inside the hole.

You saw a dark room and went inside.

Ron! you said kneeling down you took out your bad where you had potions for emergencies like this.

"Y/N You must go! That thing is an animagus..It is Sirius Black!" Ron said looking very scared you turned and for one moment just looked at him. 

"Princess? How are you.." Sirius said looking at you with adoration.

"I am fine you on the other hand looks like you could use some help." You could not bring yourself to smile.

"Do you believe I murdered?" He asked looking at you.

"No, none off us believe me, Ron and Hermione..Harry and I had a huge fight he does think you are a murderer." 

"I missed you so much when ever out the window I saw a bright blue sky it reminded me off your eyes." He said.

"Stay away from her Black. Or I might have to kill you." Harry said barging in with Hermione.

"If you have to kill Harry or Y/n you must kill us first." Hermione said coming in front of Harry.

"NO, only one person will die tonight." Sirius said.

"And that is you." Harry moved Mione and pinned Sirius down the floor pointing his wand at him.

'You are going to kill me?" Sirius said smiling like a mad man.

Expelliarmus.. You all turned to see Remus. Who had disarmed Harry. He moved away.

"Finally free are you Sirius.?" Remus asked.

"Now you would not know  anything about freedom would you remus?" Lupin lended his hand while he pulled him upwards and hugged.

"Now you would not know  anything about freedom would you remus?" Lupin lended his hand while he pulled him upwards and hugged

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"Let us kill him let us kill him!" Sirius said.

"First you will tell Harry why then you can kill him or else Y/N and Harry will fight forever." Remus said before giving his wand to Sirius.


"No Harry someone did betray your parents but it was not Sirius." 

"Who was it?"

"Peter Petigrew." 

"And he is right here in this room Peter come out Peter." 

Expelliarmus Professor Snape came Sirius I can only imagine what would it be like to get the Dementor's Kiss how horrible...Black looked scared.

"Uncle wait please forgive me Expelliarmus" You said.

"BLACK You attacked a professor!" Ron exclaimed.

"Technically he is my Godfather So now no one moves who was exactly Peter Petigrew tell it since Harry is under the impression that Sirius killed His parents you only tell Sirius." You said pointing your wand.

"Peter petigrew was our friend in school he was the one who betrayed James and lily."

Petigrew is dead."

"You saw him in the map the map does not lie and don't even think of attacking Sirius." You said.
"He was going to attack?" Ron asked eyes wide.

'He was thinking of it.

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