Hogesmade -

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"Y/N Be safe think wisely because every step you take will determine how the next situation turns out be ready to adapt be ready to forgive and always remember the people who you love will never want to harm you, you have dark times by dear." Your mum's soft voice was herd in the back of your mind.


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You woke up from your deep sleep you turned to the window to see the heavy showers pouring down to the Earth. Hermione was on her bed she was studying.

"Hermione what time is it?" You asked.

"Don't worry Y/N it is a saturday 6:15pm. Quite the weather to study is it not?" She said getting up and opening the windows to let the cool breeze in. "You fell asleep. You seem conflicted are you ok?" She asked you.

"I felt lightheaded indeed quite the weather. I do not know just thinking of Sirius and even my dad...I think Draco he has complained to dad on buck beak and I fear it may be executed....I tried to talk him out off it but he did not want to listen he said that if it...." You trailed of.


At Hogesmade:

"I am sorry Mr Potter only a legal gaurdian can sign your parchment to the visit at Hogesmade." Professor Mc Gonagal said.

You overheard the conversation.

"Guys, You both go on I will stay here with Harry he could use some company." You said smiling.

"Y/n no go on do not miss out!" Harry urged.

"It is alright Harry I will go when all of you come.

Ron and Hermione smiled and went of.

"Let us go to the astronomy tower shall we?" You said grabbing Harry's hand.

You and Harry were talking about this and that you both were laughing it was a few mins that Professor Lupin joined in.

"Are you not supposed to be in Hogesmade?" Lupin asked.

"I could not get the signature from my family so N/N decided to stay with me." Harry said smiling at me.

"Did you know about Harry's parents and my mother?" You asked.

"James Potter.....We were the best of friend since the day we came To Hogwarts ....Let us say James and Sirius had a talent for trouble...Just like Y/N" He said my name smirking. "They both would often get into trouble in sticky situations.

"Now I know how n/n comes up with the best ideas to get us killed." Harry said smirking at you.

"We save the day...Because of my not so good ideas." You said smiling.

Somehow to the both of them it looked very amusing and they started to laugh.

"Your both mothers however Lily and Luciana had so much in common they were as close as sisters both there sisters hated the other-" Before Lupin finished you interjected.

"My mother had a sister?"

"Oh you did not know? Joanna was quite the jealous type of your mother her jealousy eventually turned to rage the moment she found out she was a squib born to the family of elite purebloods. She tried to harm your mother a lot. Your grandparents lost all interest in Joanna when once after long she joined Voldemort's inner circle as a very useful spy....This part of the Black family from your grandparents your parents....Before that your grandparents were disowned and named as "Blood Traitors" so as I was saying The part of the black did not believe in blood purity and looked at muggles and muggle-borns in as humans and are thus equal this part of Black were all Gryfindoors." He finished.

"I am so glad I was born under these people....But Joanna? You said.

"Joanna was a squib which made her very passionate of magic and tried to bad mouth your mother in every way she can. Over time to seek revenge she joined Voldemort. This broke the laws of the family she broke something in which they taught that everyone is equal thus she was disowned." 

"Tell us something of Voldemort." Harry said.

"Voldemort was a powerful Dark wizard who did unspeakable things torture of thousands." Lupin said then he suddenly stopped and looked at you "Y/N Where exactly do you live?" He said in a serious tone.

"With the Malfoys after the death of my Mother they took me under there care they said I had one legal guardian...My god father and my father, My father was in Azkaban so that was not an option I had a God father...But I never knew him all I know is that he was very close to my biological parents." You said a little sadly.

"The Malfoy's as in Narssisa Malfoy and Lucius Malfoy?" He said rage evident in his voice.

"Yes, but why?" You asked.

"Oh nothing we were just not good friends." Lupin said.

You immediately knew he was lying you could go into other people's mind after all you decided to leave it there. 


He is close we will meet again enough lies just get on with it....Y/N be safe my darling things are not going to be easy just do not give up......

She is known as the most powerful black witch.......That part of the Black is a disgrace.

Filthy Blood Traitors 

Did they not marry pureblood? Now that is new.

"Luciana I swear on James and Lily's grave I will murder that rat keep n/n safe I will come for her I will be there for her I LOVE YOU LUCIANA BLACK I LOVE YOU TO Y/N" A man was being taken away.

d-dad wait  what is going on my mind .....somebody please help me stop!

"Sirius I love you....Come back my love..." I herd a woman you was crying with a baby in her arms.


"Y/N Y/N WAKE UP IT IS OK NOW WAKE UP" You herd muffled voice.

You woke up still shaking you saw Draco your friends and even Professor Snape...

"Oh my god ...." "Miss Black calm down and follow me.

You walked with him Miss Black what happened.

"Sir, do you think I am a monster? Am I the reason why Lily Potter, my mother died? Am I the reason why my Dad is in Askaban?" You asked crying.

"No Black why would you say that they did that because they love you very much.

"I c--can no-not help but think they all did it to protect me may--maybe if I w--was never born t--this would n-ever would have happened." You said choking.

"Miss Black you were there priceless gift sent from heaven you were the reason why they all wanted to fight you were there star in there night you were there daughter they would never trade I remember your mother how Happy she was when she saw you for the first time your dad would not stop spoiling you." He said which was a shock to you.

"Thank you sir." You got up and hugged Snape.

He immediately hugged you back.

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