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You and Harry were walking the halls when you suddenly stopped It was Nichloas the ghost and a cat but they were stiff.

"Oh god both of them are petrified but how can a Ghost be petrified." Harry said.

"Only a very powerful creature could have done this." You said to Harry.

"Caught in the Act!" you turned to see mr flinch.

"Let, us explain!" Harry tried.

But, he ran off and in the next moment he bought professor Mc Gonagall. We are dead or not.

"Professor we were just walking to our common rooms and we just happen to be here we neither saw what happened nor did this I mean how can we?" You asked.

When professor Snape came.

"Maybe, Miss black And Mr Potter was in the wrong place in the wrong time." Snape defended us.

"Perphabs it is true Miss Black I do not know how you did it but it is out of my control now you must see professor Dumbeldore.


In Dumbeldor's Office.

" The office is so beautiful." Harry said.

"Hello, Mr Hat!" You said cheerfully.

"Ahh Miss Black before you go I must warn you there will be great challenges up ahed none easy you must be brave and fight!" The hat said.

"Correct but how can I fight when everyone is beating around the bush no one is telling me what is to come!" You said.

"You must not know for now atleast."

"Oh my god n/n do something the bird in here it is dieing." Harry exclaimed.

"Harry calm done it is a pheonix it burns turns to ashes and rises again therefore imortall." You said.

When the pheonix burned.

"That is right Black." You saw Professor Dumbeldore coming done.

When suddenly Hagrid burst open the door and walked in.

Y/N and Harr..would nev-r do that bel-ieve me prof-fesor.

"I know that Hagrid." Dumbeldore said but Hagrid did not stop.

"HAGRID" Dumbeldore said

"I believe them.

"OH you believe them then I will just be in the hut." yeah Dumbeldore said.

"So sir please tell me you believe us my friends to have got rumour fever!" I said.

Dumbeldore and Harry understood the joke and gave a chuckle.

"I am sorry n/n once we put these rumours in place it will be all good!" Harry said.

"Speaking of which you both can go!" Dumbeldore dissmissed you.

You were walking when you saw your dad. With Draco. Harry noticed too. not looking pleased.

"Harry you go on I need to talk to my dad and Draco if possible." You said smiling at him.

He nodded and left.

"Draco I hope you are taking care of N/N I have not said much to the trouble she got in last year and making sure she is eating now?" Lucius asked looking at Draco.

"Yes father she is coming back to normal she complains about a few memories everyday." Draco said.

"Speaking of which where is she?"

"She is at Dumbeldore's office been falsly accused of petrifiying people." Draco then nodded at his father and left.


"Darling I thought you were at Dumbeldore's office?" He said hugging you.

"I was rumour has been spreading fast I need to tell you so much." I said.

"Do, you want to go home?" He said smirking.

"Is that even allowed?" You said.

"No But you once said rules are meant to be broken." Lucius said.

"You do not have to tell me twice."


At the Malfoy Mannor-

"Mum, where are you?" You said looking around.

Narssisa herd your voice and immediately came to you.

"Sweetie, how come your here?" She said kissing your head.

"That is what we are going to talk."

"We read your letter and we feared this day would arrive actually it was not supposed to happen so soon these memories." Narssisa started.

"You are telling me you knew all this and did not tell me?" You asked.

"You, N/N needed to still understand what was going on if we just start explaining you will not understand and you will be very confused but I can divulge you a little Ollivander to told you something on your insistence." Lucius paused then shared a worried glance at Narrsisa who nodded at him.

"There was 50 years ago a boy named Tom Riddle now he is known as the Dark Lord. In the past it is believed till now he saw memories of a girl through out his school and his time when he was recruting followers to the first wizarding war the girl in his dreams was still showing. It was rumoured he spent years searching for the girl and never found a trace. The most strongest link being you. No one knows the girl. Legend has it he began to fall in Love with her without ever meeting her. It is very odd you are getting memories." Narrsisa stop that is enough we have divulged her with to much information Lucius said.

"There is more to the legend?" You asked curiously.

"Now, I know darling you are very curious but we can not tell you more not now at least."

"Can -yo" Then you paused the chamber you did not think they will tell you.

"What is it sweetie?" Narssisa asked.

"Can I go drink water?" You blurted out.

"Since when do you ask sweetie dobby please you mind getting n/n a glass of water?" Narssisa asked swetly.

"Of cource dobby does not mind.

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