Jinx x male neglected reader

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Y/n POV   me and jinx were cuddling on my bed her head resting in the crook of my neck breathing softly I couldn't help but hold her tighter resting my head on top of her's

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   me and jinx were cuddling on my bed her head resting in the crook of my neck breathing softly I couldn't help but hold her tighter resting my head on top of her's. Suddenly I was reminded of the day we meet

  (you & powder are gonna be around 12 here)
  I was sitting in my room which was small for someone who had rich parents in piltover. My parents where out again without me going to some fancy party the didn't want to bring me to because I 'wasn't a proper man' whatever that meant. They also didn't bother to make sure there was any food for me to eat but then again they never did luckily I had some crackers I snuck yesterday to munch on.

   My body snapped up from where I was curled up to look at my door were I heard the noise it must have come from the lounge room were the front door and balcony was.  As slowly and quietly as I could I got out of bed and looked around my room for something to defend myself with but there was nothing I only had my bed a small desk with 5 books, a lamp and some of the small nick nacks I 'borrowed' from some of the shops I looked at when I snuck out.
  signing I creeped towards the door someone probably broke in though I didn't think I would be able to make it to my hiding place under the kitchen sink this time. As I crept down the hall to get a look at the intruders so I could tell the enforcers when they came.  I heard whispering though the people didn't sound very old maybe some punk teens? A small girl with bright blue hair and matching eyes popped her head around the conner snapping me out of thought and freezing me in my tracks. looking confused and a little curious she walked over to me "Hi I'm Powder who are you? Little man said this place would be empty by now." who's  little man? I thought to myself "Umm I'm Y/n what are you doing in my house?"

"Ummmm" she pressed her lips together fiddling with her fingers "well we're kinda.. robbing it" robbing it but she looked my age no older then 13 so what was she doing robbing people?

  "Powder where are you?" I heard another voice shout definitely female and older then both of us. "Coming!" Powder called back grabbing my wrist "come on Vi will know what to do she always does." she sounded so confident I couldn't help but believe her.
  We walked into the lounge where there was 3 other people 2 guys and a girl who I assumed was this Vi they all froze when we walked in probably not expecting to see another kid being dragged in with Powder "Vi this is Y/n this is his house or his parents I guess." she said making a face "Oh Y/n this is Vi, Clagger and Mylo." she named them all while pointing at them making a slightly sour face when pointing  at Mylo a tall skinny guy with brown hair he looked kinda mean Clagger was a rounder nicer looking guy and Vi was a tough looking girl with pink hair. I nervously waved at them they all looked at each other though the way the likes at Vi made it clear she was the leader.

"Hi y/n where are your parents why are you here?"

"My parents are at a party they left me here they always leave me here..." Vi pressed her lips together I could tell where Powder got the habit from. "Why don't you and Powder go and hang out in your room while we talk, okay?" I nodded and gently pulled Powder to my room as soon as I closed the door I could hear talking it sounded like they were arguing. While Powder made herself at home looking around my room "Where did you get all this stuff?" she asked "Well I like to say I borrowed it." she giggled a little "yeah we do that too" she said with a little smirk. after that we hang out she told about the underground and I told her about my life. Until sh got called back to the other room where I could hear more whispering.

"Y/n could you come in here for a sec?" Vi called. I quickly made my way in there they were all sitting down and I stood in front of them "yes" I said nervously Vi stood up and placed her hand on my shoulder "Powder told us about how your parents have been neglecting you we wanted to know if you wanted to come with us, it might not be as fancy but you would be well taken care of and loved I'm sure Vander wouldn't mind" I didn't know who this 'Vander guy' was but the idea of getting away from my parents sounded amazing.  "You're serious?" I asked she nodded her head "Then I would love to!" I exclaimed with a smile on my face.

And ever since then I've been part of their gang though Vander was a bit surprised and confused when I first came down we were like a family.
✨Second Flashback✨
  (this is 5ish years later so your 16-17)
  I remember that day so clearly we were in Jinx's hideout making bombs for the next mission. she looked so perfect I was so zoned out I didn't realize I had been starting so hard until she fought me and I looked away in embarrassment.
"Hey toots is there something you want to tell me you've been acting a bit weird today" she  said pressing her lips together some habits die hard I guess. "Um well yeah I just don't know how to say it.". I explained (though poorly) while fiddling with a small screw driver. "You can tell me anything we've been friends for how many years? 5 right" I nodded right friends.

  I was now or never it was as good a time as any. I took a deep breath I like you Powder I like like you..." I looked at her trying to gage her reaction as she tilted her head to the side like a bird "Oh you mean like dating right!" I could feel my face heating up as I nodded my head. "That's perfect!"

"what?" I said "That's perfect toots I like you too!" I blinked hard "really?"

"Yep!" I couldn't hold back the smile I had if I wanted to. I picked her up in my arms twirling her around giving her small pecks all over her face making her giggle "Okay okay put me down if your gonna kiss me do it properly!" I set her down placing a hand on her check and keeping the other one on her hip " Are you sure" I asked looking into her eyes they were a bit darker form when we were kids but still the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen. She nodded her head before closing her eyes and crashing her lips against mine, they were soft and tasted like her favourite candy.

After the kiss ended though I didn't really want it to I asked "does this mean we're dating?" she just nodded and pulled me into another kiss.
  definitely on of the best days of my life.

✨End of flashback✨
I shifted my body so I was a little farther from Jinx so I could see her face. Though I accidentally woke her up he eyes slowly opening." Hey n/n (nickname) what are you doing up?"

"just thinking"
"bout what?" she asked as she shifted to look at me better. " Just how grateful my parents left me home so that I could meet you and how happy you make me."

"I make you happy" she whispered I if she couldn't believe it. "Of course you make me feel so warm and happy you love and  appreciate me, you make me feel needed and wanted." she just smiles and says "I love you Y/n"

"I love you too Powder." and I really do now and forever.
Yeah this one is much longer hope y'all like it!(I'm actually really proud of this one)
word count:1403

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