Sevika x fem reader p3 (Manners)

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You walked into The Last Drop and started looking around for Sevika, it had been six months since you got hired by Sevika

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You walked into The Last Drop and started looking around for Sevika, it had been six months since you got hired by Sevika. It was nice you got the inherent protection of Silco and Sevika, no one would dare touch her favorite mechanic.
You were brought back to reality when you heard a sharp whistle directed at you looking up ready to punch someone when you saw Sevika motioning for you to come over to her table. You rolled your eyes as you walked over, setting your bag on her table making the other people jolt, "I thought I told you to stop doing that."

"How else am I supposed to get your attention sweetheart?" She asked, taking a long drag of her cigar.
"I do have a name," You point out to her pulling out some of the tools you needed for daily maintenance, "now scooch over I need to get to work."

"Why you got somewhere better to be?" She asked moving over and gesturing for the other people to continue playing as you sat down Sevika pulled back her cape and put it up on the table for you.
"I have plenty of better places to be than here." You told her with a scoff as you started working.

"Oh yeah and where would that be?" She asked raising the pot by five.
"Wouldn't you like to know." You shot back cleaning all the valves, even after working on it for months you're still amazed by the amazing engineering.

"Bet Y/n got a hot date," Ran interjected with a smirk as Deckard wiggles his eyebrows. You couldn't help, but chuckle at the idea. In reality you just had a headache the neon lights at the Last Drop and loud music and people was not helping. Looking up to see Sevika's reaction to Ran's little comment, sense she didn't say anything.
Sevika was glaring hard at her cards so hard you thought they might disintegrate. Placing a hand on where her shoulder and prosthetic met you gently nudged her asking, "Hey Sev are you okay."

She quickly snapped out of whatever she was thinking about and looked at you a little confused, "Yeah I'm fine sweetheart, why?"

"You just looked a little lot upset." You explain,she shakes her head. "Okay," you say, not completely convinced, "if you say so." The rest of the time you work on Sevika's arm you quiet, watching as they play. Once you clean all the valves and put everything back in place you wipe off your hands and put everything back in your. "Alright I'm out." You wave to everyone as you stand to leave.

Before you could get even a step away from the table you feel a strong hand grip your wrist, "Wait let me walk you home." Sevika says, you look at her or a movement she was well aware that you were capable of defending yourself and she's never suggested it before what was so different today.

Despite your confusion you nod and wait for her to set her cards down saying she was our revealing a winning hand. "Come on Doll, let's go." She says placing her non-metal hand on the small of your back. As you walk back to your shity apartment you occasionally look to Sevika trying to find out what bothered her so much. Was it because of the joke Ran made? No that couldn't be it why would she care or be angry at the idea if you going on a date.

The silence is broken when Sevika sighs loudly, "Out with it." Looking down at you slightly annoyed.

"What?" You look at her confused.

"You've been looking at me every five seconds for the past thirty minutes" her face sonfens, "what's on your mind?"

You fiddle with the rings on your fingers, "You just looked really frustrated and I was trying to figure out why." You explain. "You had a winning hand so it couldn't be that and the only other thing I could think of was that joke Ran made, but that didn't make any sense because why would you get mad at the idea of me going on a date?" You huffed when you finished rambling, surprised to see her looking flustered, her cheeks a dark pink.

She looked away from you with a frown, not saying anything for a minute. "What if I don't want you going out with other people?" She asked her eyes darting all over your face, you could have swore she stared at your lips for longer than the other parts of your face. You raise a brow giving her a confused face, in all reality you wouldn't want to go on a date with anyone since you started crushing on her a few months ago and who could blame you she was the definition of tall, dark and handsome plus she was sarcastic, whitty and could put up with your shit talking.
"You really are dense aren't you." She muttered to herself, "I thought I made it obvious," when you still looked at her confused she sighed angrily, "I like you dumbass."

It took you a second to process what she just said when it did you, you couldn't help, but ask, "really?"


"Why? And how on earth did you make it obvious? You're like a rock when it comes to your emotions." You blurted out before she could say anything more.

"Because," she huffed, "You're smart, funny, sarcastic, strong, you're not scared of me, you don't let me push you around and you're really hot," you opened your mouth to say something, but she put a finger to you lips before you could say anything else, "And I did make it obvious, I walk you home almost every night I've beaten the shit out of at least ten guys this week because they made you uncomfortable I even stopped going to the brothel because it just felt wrong."

"Oh..." was all you could say now that she mentioned it, you realized she did do all those things for you and more and felt like a bit of an idiot for not noticing it sooner.

Growing impatient Sevika said, "If you don't like me you can say that I'm not gonna cut your head off or somethin-" cutting her off you pulled her in by her leather choker kissing her it took he a second to register what you were doing when she did she pulled you in by your waist bringing you flush against her tilting her head so she could kiss you harder and deeper it probably only lasted a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity.

When you did pull away you giggled, "As much as I would love to continue this I have to get up early, so how about we go on a proper date tomorrow and finish this after, kay?" tracing the details of her mechanical arm.

She nodded, placing a light peck on your forehead, "Okay Sweetheart you go home and rest, I'll see you tomorrow."

As you slipped out of her arms you asked, "Pick me up at seven?" She nodded, patting her arm and you said, "Oh and Sev?"


"If you ever call me a dumbass again, I'll make sure you won't be able to use either of your arms for a month." You tell her with a smile then turning around and walking away. Leaving Sevka to wonder why she fell for you in the first place.

Word count:1,261

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