Viktor x reader

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CW: angst (fluff ending)Y/n's POV    I pushed open the doors to the lab Viktor shared with Jayce

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CW: angst (fluff ending)
Y/n's POV
I pushed open the doors to the lab Viktor shared with Jayce. Looking around to only see Viktor. As quietly as possible I pushed open the door, closing it behind me. Looking up at the clock it read 3:17 a.m he had been here all day and I'm guessing he didn't take any breaks. "Viktor." I whispered, quietly setting down the food I brought him.

He didn't look away from his work. "Yes Love?"
"You need to take a break, you've been here all day."

He scoffed, "I don't need a break, I need to crack this ridiculous code."

"You can come back to it once you've rested. It's not healthy for you to go on like this." I tried to reason with him but he only chuckled dryly.

"I shouldn't expect you to understand."

My face scrunched up in confusion. "And what is that supposed to mean?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Now he turned around to face me looking up at me from his seat. "It means that you don't understand how important this invention is and you can not help me. It also means you do not need to coddle me, nothing better to do with your time than to bother me!" He shouted, his voice getting louder as he spoke.

I stepped back, my eyes burning from the tears I knew were building up. I turned around not wanting him to see how much his words affected me. Quickly making my way to the door "Fine, then work till you pass out if you want, you can come home when you've finished your tantrum." I slammed the door behind me walking back to our house.

When I did get home I tugged off my shoes and headed straight for bed. Flopping down physically tired from walking and mentally tired from the fight. For about an hour I tossed and turned in bed trying to get comfortable. Finally I gave up and sat up making my way to the bathroom thinkin the warm water will help me feel sleep. Turning the knob and stripping down I stepped under the hot water letting it run down my body.

I stayed like that for half an hour until my eyes started to droop. Once I had dried off I put on the comfiest clothes I owned and once again crawled into bed hugging a pillow tight to my chest finally closing my eyes.

I opened my eyes when I heard the familiar sound of Viktor's cane hitting the floor. He walked up to the bedroom door. "I'm sorry moya zhizn..." I turned so I was facing away from him.I heard him take a few more steps towards the bed crouching down next to the bed. "I'm sorry Y/n I had no right to yell at you the way I did. I was frustrated I couldn't get the device to work and you were the first person I saw, I'm sorry my love please forgive me..." He was silent waiting for my response.

I turned over to face him, he looked up hopefully. "You have to promise me something-"


"If you ever feel frustrated again talk to me, I just want to help."

"I know." He mumbled taking my hand kissing it.

"And take more breaks."

"I will."

"Good, now get in bed I want cuddles."
He chuckled again this time light and playful. "Whatever you want." He crawled into bed next to me nesling his head in my neck leaving littles kisses along it. "I'm sorry moya zhiz."

"It's okay Vik, good night."

"Good night."

I'm not very good at writing fight so this might suck

Word count:620

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