Yandere Jinx x Yandere reader

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Y/n POV   Me and Jinx were hanging out at the Last Drop she was having her normal drink and I was having f/d (favourite drink)

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   Me and Jinx were hanging out at the Last Drop she was having her normal drink and I was having f/d (favourite drink). As we talked I looked around there was a group of men standing kinda close to us and one of them was looking at Jinx my face scrunched up in disgust how dare he look at her. My thoughts were on interrupted by Jinx saying something "What did you say birdy?"

"I asked if you were all right you looked upset." she asked leaning closer to me over the table. "Oh I'm fine love just a bit distracted." I glanced over at the man once more he was still looking at her I would have to deal with him later. "I'm going to refill our drinks okay?" she nodded which was a little odd, I reached over and squeezed her hand pressing a kiss to her forehead.
I walked by the man who was looking at her making sure to get a good look at his features. I would beat his ass later to teach him a lesson no one looks at my Jinx.

After that thought I got our drinks refilled by Thermin I spotted Jinx talking to the man who was looking at her earlier. As I walked closer I could hear what he was saying "hey cutie how about we get out of this lame dump and go and have some of our own fun?" No he had crossed too many lines he looked at her, talked her no flirted with her and insulted her childhood home I couldn't just beat his ass I had to kill him.
"Hey" I said loudly announcing myself as I grabbed his shoulder "What were you saying to my girlfriend?" he chuckled a little "Sorry sweet tootsI didn't mean to leave you out if you want all three of us could have some fun I mean the more the merrie-"I cut him off with a quick jab to throat "Get out of here now" He just shook his head and ran.

I let out a sigh and looked towards Jinx whose eyes were wide in shock "You okay love?" I asked "Mhm I'm fine toots thanks for the save!"

"Of course love, how about we go home it's getting late anyways."
"Okay let's go" she grabbed my arm and quickly darted out the door and towards our hideout.
Once we got there we b lined for the bed flopping down on it Jinx quickly pulled me closer "You okay Jinx he didn't try and touch you or anything" she shook her head no."He just made me really uncomfortable."
" I'm sorry I didn't get there sooner I'll make sure he never bothers you again..." she giggled a little nuzzling deeper into my neck "Okay thanks toots." Then she closed her eyes preparing for sleep. I waited until I was sure she was asleep before detaching myself from her as quickly and quietly as possible which was surprisingly hard.

I made my way out of my room and checked the tracker device I had put on the man when I grabbed his shoulder . The idiot didn't even notice, pulling up my head as I walked out and started tracking him he wasn't even that far.

✨mini time skip✨
I found him, he was leaving his hang out but he made the mistake of walking into an alley where I quickly followed behind.
Tapping him on the shoulder like I had before this time when he turned around I didn't give him time to speak punch him square in the face breaking his nose " gah!" He held his nose "You're the bitch from before!"

"Yeah and I'm gonna make you regret ever looking at my Jinx." charging forward weaving under his Jab I took out my hidden blade stabbing him in the stomach twirling behind him and slitting his throat "Damn" I whispered to myself I didn't mean to kill him so fast I put my blade back into the slot in my sleeve oh well.
I began walking away when I heard him try and talk "You'll pay for thi-"his voice got quieter until it fizzled out. I didn't know someone could be so stupid to go after me besides I've done this before and nothing had ever happened. Well nothing I couldn't handle some people were desperate to avenge their friends. I guess I could respect that.
   Now in a much better mood I happily walked back home to my bluebird, just as I was about to turn on our street I was stopped by a loud scream out of curiosity I headed in that direction.

Jinx POV
Stupid bitch had started screaming so I shoved a dirty cloth in her mouth she deserved it she dared to flirt with my Y/n!

Flashback (before the random guy hit on Jinx)

me and Y/n were sitting at the bar I was telling them about how I couldn't figure out how to make the stupid blue gem work. Suddenly a lady walked up to them. "Excuse me but I but overheard your conversation and I couldn't help but think that you must be bored having to listen to her, so I thought I could offer you a good time." She said biting her lip." both our face is held shock how dare she flirt with my partner! How could she be so stupid didn't she know who I was no I'd have to deal with her later.

✨Flashback over✨

"Sorry if this isn't very neat I'm still a bit new at this!" I said as they pinned her down and started to lightly cut frown on her face. Just as I was about to go deeper I heard a little clinck and looked to the side, I saw her hand wrapped around a metal pipe just as I turned it collided with my face. She quickly got up and started running with me right behind her. We reached the street near my hideout when I skidded around the corner I saw Y/n looking down at the girl. Shit what would they think they'll think I'm crazier than I already and leave me no no no!


"Jinx!" I had to snap her out of whatever trance she was in, it seem to work because she looked up at me her eyes watering. I wanted to hold her but I needed answers "What's going on why are you chasing this girl?" she started to stutter something but the other girl cut her off.
"she was trying to kill me you have to believe me! she she's a jealous bitch she said she was gonna kill me because I flirted with you!" tears were streaming down her face but I wasn't really paying attention to that Jinx was going to kill this girl just because she flirted with me?

I could feel my cheeks getting hotter. I looked over at Jinx "Really you were going to kill her?"She just looked on her shoes "Yeah I'm sorry monkey I just couldn't stand the way she talk to you." I took a step forward hugging her tightly pushing her head gently so it rested on my shoulder "It's okay bluebird, you know the guy who flirted with you earlier he dead now..." I could hear her gasp a little"Really?"she asked quietly I nodded.

The girl who is still kneeling on the floor looked at us in fear I hummed softly "Do you want me to make her go away or do you want to do it love?"

"No I can do it." I nodded and stepped back so she could aim.
her body dropped dead. I kissed Jinx's forehead "Let's go home we can talk about it later okay"
"Okay" we walked back home hand-in-hand once we got there we took off all her gear and flopped on the bed facing each other. I pulled her closer arms wrapped around her waist "So are you like me?" she whispered I responded with a simple "yes"

"It's okay that just means we can protect each other." I let out a little laugh "Yes it does little bluebird now let's get some rest Silico has a job for us tomorrow"

"Okay I love you toots"
"I love you too"

Sorry this took so long to publish I'lol try and have another one out by Monday.

Word count:1,419

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