Viktor x reader

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Viktor's POV   I was talking to Jayce about our plans for hextech

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Viktor's POV
I was talking to Jayce about our plans for hextech. On our way to the lab I saw a student running by, slowing down when they saw us probably a bit embarrassed but when I looked at them I did a double take their h/l, h/c, e/c and s/c they looked exactly like an older version of- no I haven't seen them since I lived in the undercity

Me and Y/n we're sitting by the river we had just finished fixing our boat. I still felt bad Y/n had to fight the bullies, they got a blackeye in the process but managed to win. I was snapped out of my thoughts Y/n shouting "Viktor come on set it down I want to see it it can go faster than last time!"
In reality I already knew that the boat would work flawlessly. I was always the brains of our duo and Y/n with the brawn, always protecting me. I laughed as they jumped up and down "Calm down I'm putting it in now." I set it in the river and it seamlessly quieted down.

"Come let's follow it" I and stood up one hand on my cane and the other in their hand. We walked but eventually we had to speed up into a light jog I knew Y/n want to sprint after it but they couldn't with me holding their hand. I was about to let go when I tripped over my own feet and fell, well would have if Y/n wasn't there to catch me.
"Careful you could have gotten hurt!" I looked down "Sorry I'm holding you back, you should just leave me..." they looked at me confused and upset "What no! you aren't a burden you're awesome! I'll never leave you!"

I furrowed my brow I still couldn't get why they like me so much. But I was okay with that as long as we could remain friends, and we did until I left them for Piltover they knew I was leaving and they even encouraged me to pursue my future. Even if that meant leaving them behind I've been in them...

✨Flashback over✨
"Viktor did you hear me?" I looked over at him "Oh no, do you mind if I excuse myself for a moment?" he looked a bit confused but nodded "Yeah sure meet me at the lab?"
" of course I quickly turned around, the person was just rounding the corner. I struggled to catch up but once I rounded the corner and I saw them again, I was positive it had to be them.

"Excuse me!" they paused "Yes?" they froze once they turned around and saw me "Viktor?"I shuffled a little "Hello Y/n.." I looked down embarrassed I left them and when I finally see them again years later all I can say is hello. I stumbled backwards when a strong force pushed me back I looked up surprised to see them hugging me "It's good to see you again Viktor..."I nodded hugging them back "Yes it is" we continued hugging for a few moments before finally pulling apart "So you got into the Academy I have say I'm surprised you were never the... deep thinking kind of person."

I slow blink at them "How did you get in?" "Through the window.."
"What! that's incredibly dangerous what if you got caught!"
"Pfft I never get caught plus I needed to deliver this." They patted their bag, my eyes drifted to it "What is it?"
"Aa gift for you my good friend" they open their satchel and carefully took out the boat we made when we were children. "You kept it?"

"Well duh I wanted to keep it so I had a good excuse to find you."

"I'm glad you kept it. Now would you like to see my lab?"
" Yes! let's go now!" I nodded as I turned to lead the way to it "We have a lot of catching up to do don't we." Y/n said as we started our walk "Yes we do." Maybe I'll finally get the chance to tell you how I feel about you...
Sorry for not getting this out earlier meant to post it on friday
Word count: 720

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