Mylo x femboxer reader

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Mylo's POV    I had some free time after a long time of wesling Pow to sleep cause 'Vi wanted to spend time with her girlfriend'

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Mylo's POV
    I had some free time after a long time of wesling Pow to sleep cause 'Vi wanted to spend time with her girlfriend'. When I looked up from kicking a rock because of some hollering, looking over it was a group of people surrounding a poster. Walking over, pushing past a few people to get a look at it. It was a poster of two people in a boxing ring with a list of other people. The two main people looked like a buff man with blond hair and freakishly big muscles named Chet, and an unnamed woman with h/c and bloody wrapped hands, maye her and have been hanging out or something.
   Looking over at one of the people who were talking about it a few seconds ago, "Hey what's this for not everyday ya see a poster for something in the Lanes."

   The man looked over at me, "Underground fighting, usually not a lot of promotion around it, but the main fight's supposed to be big, people who run it wanna make a lot of money off it," He explained, pointing at the two people depicted. "Both of those two are big in the community so people are real excited about it."

   "Huh, thanks man." I said walking away, with Powder asleep I have my whole night free. It might be fun to watch at least hell of a lot funner than kicking a rock.

    With a bit of asking around I was able to find the arena and now I was sitting in one of the front seats watching the fights. Apparently the main fight was last, so I spent most of my time waiting.The only reason I came was because of that fight the women fighting someone who looked a lot stronger than her intrigued me, plus she was supposed to be really good.

   When the second to last fight was finished a man walked around shouting to see if anyone wanted to place any bets like he did every round. Occasionally someone would place a bet confidently saying which fighter would win. I looked up when I heard the cheering get louder. The announcer was standing in the middle with a mic, "In our left corner we have Chet!" There was a loud mix of cheers and boos at his name and while he walked out raising his arms, "You know him for his muscles but will that be enough to bet... Yn?!" The cheers and boos went up again as she walked out with a sirk. She didn't look as muscular as Chet but no one would point her out as an easy target.

   "So who do you think is gonna win?" A man beside me asked,  looking at him, it was the guy who I talked to earlier. "My money 's on Y/n." When I didn't respond just looking at him weirdly he chuckled dryly, "Sorry I'm Jamie these are my friends Alex and Vik." He said leaning back so I could see his friends. 

   "Nice to meet you I guess, but I don't really know, maybe the Chet guy he looks pretty satrong." I shrugged.

   The one farthest from me with an ary of piercings and forest green hair, Vik, burst out in laughter. "Being strong doesn't always mean you win, dumbass." I glared at her.

    The one in the middle who seemed to be the most calm about the match, Alex, put a hand on Vik's shoulder, "Sorry bout her she doesn't mean that yer dumb she's just got a big crush on Y/n."

   "I nodded, before any of us could say anything the announcer started up again since the crowd had quieted down. "Three! Two! One! Fight!" As quickly as possible he swapped places with the ref and they started circling each other.

   "You ready Y/n?" Chet asked with a sner.

   Y/n flicked a satry hair away, "I've been ready to beat your ass." The crowd cheered, Chet's face dropped and he made some kind of growling noise and charged at her. She stepped to the side slamming her elbow down on his back, then put a hand on his shoulder to keep him in pace before kneeing him in the gut. He coughed and stumbled away. She made a come here motion with her finger and he did this time with a much better approach.

   Walking towards her with his guard up he faked a gut punch making her drop her arms and he got a clean hit to her nose. More cheers. Whipping some of the blood that had trickled out of her nose away she hopped a little before hitting him in the side making him double over then another kick to the back of the head and he fell. There was silence, the ref got down. "One, two, Three!" He didn't get up. "And we have our winner! Y/n L/n!"  The crowd erupted with loud cheers from the people who bet on Y/n with big smiles and yelling or frustration for people who bet on Chet. I stood up cheering for her viktory.

   The ref held up one of her hands as she stood waving tiredly with a giant smile on her only slightly bloody face. A few minutes  later everyone was filling out, Jamie and his friends told me when the next fight would be, but all I could think of was Y/n I'd seen Vi, Calggor even Pow but they didn't move like her I was immediately interest in her fighting style and I could see why Vik was crushing on her.

   I turned the corner into an alley to see the very same woman I was thinking about standing next to a window booth, she looked like she was waiting on something. I decided to walk up to her, "Hey, I saw you fight today. You're really good." She turned around to face me now I could see a small band aid across her nose and the slight bruise that was forming.

   "Uh thanks, and since I assume you know my name, what's yours?"

  "Mylo." I said quickly.

   "Well Mylo is there anything you needed or did ya just want to say hello?" She raised her eyebrow. I didn't respond for a second, maybe a little focused on the way my name sounded coming out of her mouth. Before I could, someone knocked on the window.

  "Hey champion, here's yer winnings." They slid a bag of what I assume is money over to her. She quickly picked it up giving the person a thanks and dropped it into her bag.

   I guess I was looking  at her because she glared at me and said, "What?"

  "Uh sorry I was just wondering why they gave you that money." I said pointing at her bag.

  "I fight and if I win I get paid from the ring and the people who bet." She explained starting to walk away.

   "Oh well that's cool i guess-" She cut me off.

  "Are you going to keep bothering me like everyone else or are you going to do something and if you try and rob me I'll beat you ass worse than I did-" Now it was my turn to cut her off.

  "No I was actually going to offer to take you drinking after my sister gets into a fight she ually want to drink. She scoffed, shaking her, but her smile was back.

   "Really and would I be paying for these drinks?" She asked no longer walking away from me but with me.

  "No I would, even make them for ya." I said with a smile.

  "You better be good." She said,

  "Oh I am." I said, puffing my chest out, proud of my skills.

"Well then lead the way Mylo." She said stopping gesturing her freshly bloodied hands for me to lead the way. I took the lead and we started to walk.

I actually don't hate this one I did really like the prompt

Word count:1343

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