Vi x reader going through withdrawal

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TW: mention of drugs kinda

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TW: mention of drugs kinda

Vi's POV

I walked in Y/n and mine apartment setting the bag of take out I just got on the counter toeing off my shoes. "Hey babe I'm back!" I called even though I knew they heard me come in. All I got as a response was a loud groan coming from the living room, making me chuckle. I walked into the living room to see them kicking off the blanket they were wrapped in when I left with a frustrated groan. I nudged them and they sat up. "I got you your food." I said taking it out and offering it to them.

They turned away, " 'm not hungry anymore, you can have it."

"You need to eat, you're not gonna get stronger if you don't eat." I urged.

"I said I wasn't hungry anymore, I'll eat later." They said reaching for the remote, noticing they hadn't drinken any of the water either. I pursed my lips together.

"Darling you need to eat somthi-"

"I'm not hungry just leave it Vi!" They shouted standing up and walking out. I watched them go unsure if I should follow them or give them space. Groaning I shoved my face into my hands, I knew they were only acting like this because of withdrawal they were trying to get better, but I just wanted them to be magically better though I knew that was impossible.

They're getting better and that's what mattered in three days they would be one and a half months clean and I could not be prouder.

Taking a deep breath I stood up and grabbed the food and water I made my way to our shared room. Gently pushing the door open I saw them curled up on the bed, their body shaking slightly with their quiet sobs. I set down the things and made my way to our bed. "Y/n?" I whispered while sitting down.

Almost as soon as I sat down they threw themselves in my arms. "I'm sorry Vi I just-" I cut them off with a soft sh.

"I know, I know you didn't mean to snap, it's okay." I reassured them as they sniffled into my shoulder. "Just promise me you will stop pushing me away. I'm here for you."

"I promise." They muttered.

"Thank you, sweets." I said kissing their forehead, "no get some sleep we can eat when we wake up."


Hey sorry it's so short I haven't really had the time since my school is doing testing all this and next week

Word Count:

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