Caitlyn x Vi x reader

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Tw:light sexual harssement and sexulizing wlw/poly relationships f/p=favorite pastrie

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Tw:light sexual harssement and sexulizing wlw/poly relationships
f/p=favorite pastrie

    Ciatlyn, Vi and you were walking down one of the peresten streets of Piltover on a little date since Caitlyn had been busy over working herself with her new sheriff duties. Vi and you had been missing her plus she needed a break. 
   So far the three of you had gone to the zoo, walked around the shopping district and were now headed to Caitlyn's favorite cafe despite Vi wanting to walk all the way to Zaun to get Jericho's.

    When you got there Vi, Cait and you sat down and ordered Vi got a cupcake claiming 'they were favorites' winking at Caitlyn and you. Cailtyn got some kind of fancy pastrie with a french name you couldn't pronounce and you got your f/p and chatted about your day. "So Vi, you went to hang out with Jinx today?" Cailyn asked her, who had been working on repairing her relationship with her younger sister and getting her to not despise you and Cait.

   "Yeah we're getting better, I think she's really warming up to Y/n," She said smiling.

   You nodded along, "Mhm when I went to meet up with Vi after they hung out she actually looked happy to see me and when she hungged me and didn't even try and put any kind of powder bomb on me." Which was a pretty big improvment from shooting and you when you first met.
   Your taller girlfriend  gave you a tight lipped smile, "Well that's good, maybe we could invite her over for dinner tomorrow." She was still a bit more on edge when it came to Jinx, but they had both been doing better now they only glared at echother and shared snarky remarks once and a while.

   Vi on the other hand was ecstatic, "Yeah that would be great Cait! Would that be okay with you babe?" She asked, turning to you. Who just nodded. Continuing with the conversation moving onto Caitlyn and her work to what you had been doing all day.

   After you finished eating you waved over the waiter to pay despite Caitlyn's protests. You walked up to the counter and handed the man your card and made polite conversation, "So are you doing a girls day thing today?" He asked
   You nodded, "Something like that yeah."

   He hummed, "Well if you're free later today maybe we could go out and get some drinks." He suggested, biting his lip awkwardly you assume was supposed to be seductive.

   "Oh no we're actually dating." You explain gesturing to your girlfriends that you could now see where glaring at him like if they glared hard enough he would shrivel up and die. His face dropped before he developed another creepy smile.

   "Well I wouldnt mind spending the evening with three lovely, I'm sure my bed could fit all of us." He said, taking you lifting it up to his lips to kiss before he could you wrenched your hand from his and behind you, you could hear chairs screeching.
   A moment later Caitlyn's hands slide around your hip and one of Vi's on the small of your back the other hand snatching your card out of his hand anad passing it to you. "We are not interested in spending any time with a creep like you." Vi snapped.

   "Yes,"Caitlyn agreed, "we'll be leaving now and we will be sure to inform your employer about sexually harassing your costomers." After that she spun around and they both guided you out of the cafe, your cheeks hot from embarrassment of the little scene they had made infront of the other customers. The man glaring holes in the back of all three of your heads for embarrassing him.

   Once you had made your way out and walked to a nearby bench with a little fountain Vi and Caitlyn both holding onto you tight the whole time. "I can not believe he would say sothing like that, I mean eho talks to people like that when you say your in a relationship?" Cailtyn ranted fidgeting with your fingers an arm wrapping aarount your waist.

   Vi huffed, responding, "Jackasses that want to get their ass beat." She was tracing patterns on your thigh, her arm around your waist as well so they overlapped.

   "You know you didn't have to do that guys I was fine." You say looking to both of them, "there was no need to make a scene."
   They both frowned, "We know I-we couldn't stand watching that guy making you uncomfortable." Caitlyn explained.

   "Yeah," Vi pipes up resting her head on your shoulder nuzzling into your neck looking up at you like a puppy, "if you want I could go back and beat him up or Cait could aresst him for sexual harassment." To which your other girlfrind nodded.

   You giggle at her suggestion, "No it's okay I'd rather spend time with you two, thank you." leaning to Caitlyn giving her a soft kiss before turning to Vi and doing the same both their cheeks dusted with a soft pink.

   After taking a moment they smiled, "Of course darling whatever makes you happy." Vi nodded and they both leaned down pressing a kiss to both your temples. You smiled grateful for such loving girlfriends.

Word count:893

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