Calggor x reader

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Yn's POV   I sat on the floor of our tiny shared bathroom trying to hide my sobs even though I knew no one was home

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Yn's POV
I sat on the floor of our tiny shared bathroom trying to hide my sobs even though I knew no one was home. I didn't want to risk it. I didn't even know why I was crying. I just let everything build up and it burst.

I was trying to get a hold of myself when I heard a quiet knock on the door. For a second I thought it was Powder but then he spoke "Hey Y/n you good in there?" I stifled and stood up "Yeah I'm fine Calggor don't worry."
"Are you sure cause I could hear you crying?" I sigh, blow my nose and try to make myself look like less of a mess. When I was done I opened the door "Did you need something?"

"No just wanted to check on you, you didn't want to go on the mission so I got kinda worried." He said scratching his neck brows furrowed.
"Well thanks but I'm just tired." I told him trying to play it off like it was nothing. He nodded slowly, clearly unconvinced "Okay, well I was gonna go to Jerico's if you want to come..." I thought about it for a second before grabbing my jaket "Sure let's go."

We walked out of the cramped bathroom into the hall. As we walked I asked "Where's the rest of 'em?"

"They're at Benzo's."He answered simply. That made sense, that's where we usually went after a job. Thankfully for our stomachs we lived about 15 minutes from Jerico's. Once we arrived Jerico greeted us with a smile and we both ordered our favorites. After a couple minutes the question I'd been waiting for was asked "Do you wanna talk about?"
I shook my head. "Not really, I just need to stop bottling everything up." HE nodded in understanding "Well you can always talk to me if you need to." I smiled at his offer "Thanks Calggor I'll think about it." He smiled and we ate the rest of our food in a comfortable silence.

After we finished and we were walking home I poke dat him "Hey Calggor..." I said quietly as I stopped walking. "Yeah?" He responded, turning to face me.

"Thanks for this, it means a lot to me." I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck burying my face in the area where his neck and shoulder meet.

"Anytime N/n, you mean a lot to me." He said pulling me closer.

Once again I hope you like it! The next one should be a Vi x Reader X Caitlyn.

Word count:

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