Mylo x fem boxer pt2

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A/n- Minor last of us spoiler and violence, N/n= nickname

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A/n- Minor last of us spoiler and violence, N/n= nickname

Mylo flew around the room he shared with his three siblings plus Ekko as they teased him for fussing. "Powder can you please put away your scrap metal?" He asked as he put away his lock pick kit.
   "Why are you so worried about our room being clean? I'm sure Y/n will be fine if she sees a speck of dust." Powder asked for her perch on the desk, bending down to pick up the jagged metal and chucking it in a bin next to her bed.

   "Because he wants to impress his girlfriend~" Ekko explained, dragging out the last word making everyone laugh minus Mylo who's cheeks were a light pink.

   "She is not my girlfriend!" He exclaimed, slamming a drawer shut.

  "No, but you want her to be." Vi said, poking him in the side while circling him with the help of Claggor poking him when he got out of her reach, laughing as his face heated up more. He swatted her hand away, moving away from both of them, picking up her wraps and throwing them to her.

   "Whatever you're no better with Caitlyn. Remember when you scrubbed the whole house the first time she came over?" Mylo shot back, making Vi frown. Before she could say anything back there was a knock at the door Jinx and Ekko shooting up to answer it Mylo chasing after them.

   You blink harshly when the door in front of you swings open and you're met with Mylo's younger sister Powder and her friend Ekko. "Hey!" She said smiling brightly as you heavy footsteps coming down the hall as you smile and wave back. "Hey Powder, Ekko do you know where Mylo is?"
   Right after you said that Mylo appeared from around the corner panting slightly, "Hey Y/n," ever so lightly shoving the pair to the side, "you wanna come in?" You nodded, stepping in. Mylo's other siblings walked, Vi and Claggor in laughing though at what you weren't sure. They both greeted you with a smile and a nod before walking to stand beside Powder and Ekko.

   After a hard glare from Mylo Vi rolled her eyes and ushered out the group, "Bye Y/n, Mylo have fun with your-" Her teasing was cut off by Claggor putting a hand over her mouth.

   Mumbling, "Come on Vi have some pity." From the outside you could Powder Laughing maniacally while Ekko tried to quiet her.

   Once all his siblings were out Mylo closed the door and locked it with a heavy sigh, "Sorry about them." He apologized, " I love them to death and all, but sometimes they can get a little irritating."  He led you to the den where they all slept, you looked around noticing that it was surprisingly clean, you smirked at the idea of him cleaning to impress you even if you'd seen their shared room in its natural state. "So I was thinking we could play some video games then go get some food, maybe Jericho's. Sound good to you?" Heasked turning to face you.

   You flop down on their old brown couch, "Sounds great." You say cracking your knuckles, "what game do you want to play?"

   "I was thinking we could play, we just got the remaster." He said putting it out of a drawer waving it in the air. You clap your hands in excitement as he puts it in, "We could take turns playing." He suggests.

   "Yeah sounds good." You agree, "do you want to play first?"
   He shakes his head, "nah you can play first." handing you the controller you thank him. After a good couple of hours you both decide to take a break to emotionally prepare for the monster that is David. Pausing the game Mylo turns to you, "Jericho's?"

   "Yes!" You reply hopping up and shoving your shoes back on. One the way you and Mylo talk, mainly your next fight that was in a few days.

  "Everyones really excited to see you fight, Even Vanders coming." Mylo told you apparently his siblings had been begging him to get them all tickets, so they could watch. Especially Vi who was looking forward to seeing your fighting style.

   "Really?" You question.
   "Oh yeah, Vi said she wanted to ask you for some pointers since you're a professional and everything." He says. You fiddle with the edge of your wrapps.

   "I'd hardly consider being an illegal underground fighter a professional." Your cheeks a little warm for the idea of them thinking so highly of you.

   "What are you kidding N/n/?" He said jogging forward, so he could spin around to face you, "You're amazing, I've seen you fight, you totally qualify for a pro!" Now both of your faces were hot. Mylo cleared his throat, "And you know what fighters need? Good food Jericho's is on me tonight." You smile at the sentiment.

   Catching up with him you bump shoulders, "Thanks Mylo." Climbing on one of the, "My usual please Jericho." You tell the fishmonger resting your forearms against the counter.

   "Me too." Mylo says getting on the seat next to you. For a few minutes you sit beside each other in a comfortable silence before you speak up.

   "So I was talking to Jamie," both you and Mylo had become close with Jamie, Alex and Vik soon after the night you met, "And he told me that a special someone had a crush on me." After you finish speaking Mylo nearly chokes to death on his food.
   Finally he spits out, "He told you about? That he said he wouldn't tell you!" His face a bright red you could practically feel the heat coming off it.

   "Um yeah, why would he promise you he wouldn't tell me about Vik's crush on me?"

   He looks at you for a second before clearing his throat, "Oh um well I just..." He trails off looking anywhere, but your face." 

   "What were you thinking of Mylo?" You ask leaning in close which only appears to make him more flustered. You had speculated that he might have a crush on you, you didn't want to act just in case you were wrong, but he was practically admitting it to you. "Is there something I should know?"

    He's silent for a second and for a second you think you might have made him uncomfortable before he looks up at you and says, "I like you Y/n like a lot and I get if you don't like me back-" Before he come spiral any further you grab him by his shirt and pull him to you pressing your lips to his. It takes a moment or the shock to wear off before he kisses you back.

   When you pull away with a smirk, you see him smiling like an idiot and you can't help but laugh, "I like you to Mylo a lot."
   "Still sounding  a little nervus like you were going to reject him right after you kissed him yes asked, "Then will you be my girlfriend?"

   You break out into a full smile, "yes I will." You say before pulling him into another kiss.

Sorry it's so late, but it;s still today so that counts for something I guess

Word count:1,224

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