Jinx x femreader agnst pt2

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It had been a month since you had broken up with Jinx and as much as you would like to say it didn't affect you it did

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It had been a month since you had broken up with Jinx and as much as you would like to say it didn't affect you it did. You could still drag yourself out of bed to go to work, but your life felt dull, missing the fun and brightness that was Jinx.
   Today was your day off, so you let your sleep in. After a few minutes failing to fall back asleep you flipped over your eyes landed on your clock decorated with Jinx's little drawings bringing up memories of the both of you staying up late eating junk, talking, watching stupid movies and while Jinx drew on things when she finished covering all of her latest inventions in marker she asked if she could cover your clock saying she wanted to brighten your day first thing in the morning.

   Now it only served as a reminder of your past relationship and how you could no longer try and fix it. At first you had been surprised that she stayed away like you told her, happy for the time to think then you realized that her listening meant you would probably never see you again.

You knew at this point that you wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, so you dragged yourself out of bed groaning as you did so. Shoving your feet into your slippers and grabbing a warm sweater to keep the cold of the Lanes away from your body. Walking into your kitchen you grabbed your favorite mug, something Jinx had bought you as a christmas gift you remembered with a padge of sadness setting it down you decided to make a cup of hot chocolate to try and cheer yourself up.

   You were just about to take a sip of your drink when you heard a loud knock at your door. Looking at the door you stare at it until another knock comes, this one much softer and a little hesitant. Walking over you cracked it open.

   Long electric blue hair grabbed your attention swaying as she rocked on the balls of her feet. Your eyes darted up from the floor to her face, you tried not to show how shocked you were that she was here. For what felt like an eternity you just stared at each other shocked she was here and shocked you opened the door.
   You broke the silence clearing your throat, "What are you doing here Jinx?" You were surprised by how gravely your voice sounded, emotions already building up in your throat.

   "Came to apologize... I brought food." She explained lifting up a bag of snacks, some of your favorites poking out, "I mean you don't have to let me in I can just go. And you can keep the food! I mean it's not like I paid for it or anything." She chuckled nervously, chewing on her lip.

   You thought about it for a moment. You did want to talk to her, "Yeah come in." You said opening the door wide enough for her to come in. She smiled a little and you couldn't help, but smile a little too at the sight you missed her smile. Jumping on your couch Jinx layed out all the snacks grabbing a pillow and held it tightly in her arms.
   Sitting down next to her after retrieving your mug you asked, "What did you want to talk about?"

   She started to nervously fiddle again, tugging on the ends of her pants. "I- I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am," Her voice broke as she spoke, "I never wanted you to think that I don't love you toots cause I do more than anything." Jinx took your hand pulling it into her lap staring at it while playing with your fingers. "I would just get distracted or doing something for Silco took longer than expected .

   "And I miss you, so much I haven't been able to sleep and the voices..." She trailed off going quiet for a moment before continuing, "I would do anything for you to forgive me, please just give me one more chance and if I fail then you'll never see me again I promise, but please let me try one more time I'll be perfect I promise."

   As she said that she said it with, so much hope your heart broke a little. Jinx looked up at you from her hunched position like you put the stars and the moon in the sky like you were the most perfect person to ever exist. You knew it was far from the truth. You lived in the Zaun you had done some things you weren't proud of to survive and she was okay with that .
   You cupped her face whipping away a tear leaning in to rest your forehead on her's nuzzling her nose with your's. Again she smiled, copying motion, "You promise?" you ask already knowing the answer.

   "Yes I promise." She says, determinedly gripping your arm.

   You nod "Okay I forgive you." You told her your arms were already open ready knowing that she would want to throw herself into your arms and just like you expected she did, smiling so wide you were a little worried that her face would split open as she giggled and once again it was music to your ear.
   Holding you close to her, your ear pressed against her chest, she kissed the crown of your head, "Thank you N/n I promise I'll make it up to you."

   Tracing random patterns on her back you shook your head, "You don't need to knowing you care is enough."

Word count:943

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