Viktor, Ekko and Vi x touched starved reader

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-He works a lot but that doesn't mean he won't give you the attention you deserve

-Even before you started dating he would take regular breaks to hang out with you and once you started dating he tried to come home earlier though he still stayed late sometimes

-He to is also very touched starved

-He's not used to someone relying on him for affection so it took some getting used to but once he did it was like you were attached at the hip

-Loves it when you randomly visit him at the lab to talk to him and play with his hair

-Dragging him out of his home offices to cuddle or keep him in bed a little later is a regular occurrence

-Randomly peppers your face with kisses

-Hand holding 24/7

-Also likes to kiss your hand or tracing lab related things on them

-Best cuddles ever imagen resting your head in his neck all you can smell is sweet milk and his soap while he plays with your hair to help you sleep occasionally kissing your forehead

-Likes to hug you from the back resting his head on your shoulder when you're on a date at a museum

-He also likes to compliment you kissing all over your face as he talks, "My love," kiss, "You are," kiss, "so perfect," kiss, "I could not," kiss, "be happier."

-All in all he might not be around you 24/7 but when he is he's smothering you with affection


-He to is touched starved but it takes longer for him to let his walls down he's lost so many people he doesn't want to get attached to another person only to lose them too

-But once those walls are down when he's not on a mission he cuddling with you holding hand or kissing you

-If you come up to him while he's inventing something and ask him take a break he will

-Loves to show you off to the other firelights holding your hands he's like, "Hey guys look at my partner aren't they so amazing and cool?"

-After a mission whether or not you go on it he immediately goes to hug you lifting you in the air holding you tight

-As much as he loves being around you he has important duties as the leader of the firelights that need to get done, but if it upsets you he'll feel guilty about it and smother you in love the next time he can

-And when he can't be with you for a few days he'll let you wear his coat till he comes back


-Again she is also touched starved not many people willing to cuddle in jail so she's all over you too

-It takes you all five year to get out of bed because Vi not a morning person and you both just want to cuddle, imagine her face nuzzled into you neck strong arms wrapped around you keeping you in bed not that you would want to leave while you bury your face in her hair playing with the hair at the base of her face talking to each other about what you need to get done

-Wrapping your arms around her waist while she cooks peppering the back of her neck with kisses while she makes breakfast

-Vi very rarely doesn't want your affection, so she wont get annoyed

-But if it does and she snaps at you she'll feel so bad and apologies while kissing your face, "I'm" kiss "so' kiss "so" kiss "sorry"

-Her favorite thing is when you play with her hands while she talks to you you're just so gentle with her rough calloused hands occasionally kissing her knuckles

-She doesn't have a lot of friends so she doesn't have a lot of people to show you off the people which is why she will talk to random people about you

-You'll be at a store trying to buy clothes and someone will compliment you and Vi will pop up out of nowhere like, "Yeah aren't they perfect?" Giving you a big kiss on the cheek

-all in all they all love you being affectionate and 'clingy'

Word count:706

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