Viktor x male reader

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Viktor's POVI happily strolled up the street, my cane in one hand and a basket in the other

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Viktor's POV
I happily strolled up the street, my cane in one hand and a basket in the other. Today my boyfriend and I were going to have a picnic for our lunch. Getting to spend time together outside was a rare treat for both of us.

   I pushed open the doors to his building carefully reading each door number looking for his office. When I did find it I pushed it open and started to look for him. Thankfully it only took a moment. He was lifting his bag up tosing it over his shoulder when I came in. A smile quickly grew when he saw me and mine got bigger.

   "Good, you're right on time."  They said happily, walking over to me placing a soft kiss on my forehead before taking my hand. "So where do you want to have our picnic?"

   "I was thinking of the park, the flowers are supposed to be in bloom right now." I suggested as we left the building.
    "Sounds good to me!" We spent the rest of the walk talking about our days. We didn't get to see each other at work a lot because he worked in the environmental area.

    We decided to sit down at the edge of a little pond. Setting down the basket I got out the blanket and he helped me set up "So what kind of food do we have?" He asked, sitting down.

   "Well we have some sandwiches, fresh fruit and a little back treat." I said pulling out the items.

   His eyes shot up in concern. "Did you back them?" I scoffed, placing a hand on my chest in fake offense. To be fair I wasn't the best cook, it was a legitimate concern.
   "No I did not. I got them from that bakery you like." I said pulling them out and placing them on the blanket.

  "Good it would be bad if we both got food poisoning again." He joked, taking one of the sandwitches.

   "Hey it wasn't that bad." I tried to argue but he just chuckled and took a bite out of the sandwich. "Alright smartass it was bad." I admitted

   He nodded satisfiedly, taking my hand, "Admitting the problem is the first step to recovery." Ihalf scoffed and half laughed. I would have pulled my hand away if it wasn't so comfortable in his. The rest of the lunch was pleasant joking around, watching the fish in the pond, I didn't want it to end.

   But of course it would have to end at some point. We finished up our food, folded the blanket and packed up. We decided to take the longer route to Y/n's lab. Neither of us were eager to get back to our work.

   Suddenly he paused to bend down to the ground to grab something. "WHat are you doing?" I asked.

   "Getting you this." He stated simply as he stood up and turned around holding out a flower. I stared at it for a moment before taking it.

   "Thank you love, it's beautiful." I told him, taking the flower. The rest of the walk was just as peaceful as the rest of the lunch. We talked, joked and he would point out different plants and tell me about them.

   All to soo we arrived at Y/n's work. Both of us paused at the door sharing a brief kiss. "I'll see you at home." He promised.

   "Okay I'll be waiting." I joked watching him walk back into his building.
I'm sorry for not posting on time again

Word count:597

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