Yandere Mel x fem reader

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Y/n's POV    Me and Mel had just stepped into the large fancy room full of people

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Y/n's POV
    Me and Mel had just stepped into the large fancy room full of people. In moments like this I was grateful that I was Mel's assistant, otherwise I would never be able to go to these fancy parties with their delicious food. "What would you like to do first?" Mel asked, turning to me.

   "Uh well shouldn't you mingle with and talk with the other people here?" She nodded happy with my anwer and started walking. I followed lose behind her listening to her as she talked with the other counselors and important people of Piltover.

    An hour later she had greeted almost everyone in the room and was now standing at the edge of the dance floor talking with me. "So I was thinking that we could do a spa day on Saturday, we both have been working so hard, especially you," She paused to cres my face lightly, "So I thought it would be nice." Mel explained her flute of champagne.

   "That does sound-" I started to say before I was cut off by a man that had walked up to us.

   "Good evening ladies, are you enjoying the party?" He asked with a wide smile probably to show off his perfect white  teeth. I waited a moment for Mel to anwer, when I looked up she had crossed her arms and was glaring at the man.
   Thinking he may have done something in the past to make Mel not like him I stepped forward. "It's a lovely party. Are you the host?" I asked with a polite smile.

   He chuckled, "Oh no I just wanted to make sure that such a lovely lady was enjoying the party."

   "Yes," I turned my head a little to face Mel and stepped a bit out of the way "Counselor Me-" Again he cut me off, making Mel's frown deepen.

   "I was talking about you miss..." He waited for me to answer his unasked question.


  "Y/n," He replied, testing my name in his mouth. "Well I would love to walk with you and help you properly enjoy the party. And perhaps if you would let me outside the party too."he suggested offering his hand.

   I looked back at Mel, my polite smile dropping, replaced with a slightly panicked look. Hoping she got the message that I did not want to go with this man. When she looked at me her expression softened. "Darling, would you like to get some of those things  you like from the buffa table that you like? I can take care of this... boy." She asked, ignoring the man who now looked slightly angry.

   "Okay. Do you want anything?" I asked.

   "Surprised me."She said before playfully ushering me away.

   Mel's POV
    Once my darling was out of earshot I turned to the man or boy I should say, one of the many arrogant nobles here tonight. I believe his name was David or something equally as boring. "I think you and I should have a little talk... In the hall." I said with a polite smile gagging on the inside. He grunted but followed, so rude and he thought he had the right to talk no flirt with my perfect darling. Disgusting.

   Once we got out into the hall I stopped and turned abruptly. "What did you want to-" I cut him off with a hand.

   "I am going to talk and you are going to listen," I told him, "Nod your head if you understand." He did. "Good, in the few minutes that you got to talk to her you cut her off not once but twice and you made her uncomfortable with your... offer." I said disgust clear on my face.

   "I don't have a lot of time left, it won't take her that long to get food." I explained while walking forwards, making him back up into the wall. "If you ever even think about coming near her again I will make sure you starve in a prison cell. And trust me I can make that happen" if there is one thing I am it's smart. I'm not going to let just anyone talk to my precious darling without having plans on how to make them disappear.

   "Now you are going to leave the party now and pretend this never happened and if you tell someone the cell is always an option. Do you understand?" I asked again, he didn't do anything, just stood there frozen. "Speak." I commanded.

   "Yes ma'am I will, please tell Y/n I'm very sorry." I smirked, good he should be sorry she is mine and no one else's.

  "I will." A lie I fully intended to ignore his existence after this. I brushed some non-existent dust off his jacket. "Run along now I have to go." He nodded and quickly scurried off down the hall, "Oh and one more thing." I called after him "I never want to hear her beautiful name come out of your disgusting mouth ever again." He let out a mek yes before leaving.

   I chuckled quietly, now that that's done with I should get back I don't want my Y/n to think I left her. I got back just in time stepping to where I was standing before when she walked up to me holding a plate of food and a new flute of champagne.
   "Hey, I got you more champagne. I figured you'd be done with the one you had by the time I got back." She explained, how cute.

   "That was sweet of you." I complemented brushing the back of my hand against her check feeling it heat up under my touch. I pulled my hand back as much as I love touching her. I wouldn't want to make her uncomfortable. Setting my old glass on a passing server's tray I took the new one out of her hand.

   Y/n looked up nervously and for a moment I worried I had done something wrong then she asked "Where did the man go... I'm sorry for leaving you to deal with him." she murmured looking down.flute down to cup her checks

  Immediately I frowned and set the new cup so I could cup her checks. "No Darling I had you leave so he wouldn't make you uncomfortable anymore, he won't bother you anymore I promise." She nodded. INternally I cursed the man for ruining her mood, maybe I'll let him rot anyway. "How about we sit down and you can eat your food then we'll plan our spa day, does that sound nice?"

   She perked up. "That sounds nice."She said all the bad thoughts leaving her pretty little head. I smiled, placing my hand on the small of her back leading her to a table. Looking around the room content knowing that no one else could make her happy like I could and that she was mine and mine only.
I actually like this one way longer than expected.

Word count:1172

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